My first harvest soon!


ive been coming on this site for a looong time now. and im getting ready to have my first harvest soon. I could only keep them in the dense forest so they are incredibly stunted. but it was cool as an experiment anyway . and there may not be much as far as buds go but theyre frosty. ill post pics soon.


well i pulled and trimmed my two little charlie brown christmas trees today. lol its pretty skimpy but it was still cool growin any amount sorry i have no way of posting pics so this may make for a crappy thread but i still had to post something lol. oh and btw i had another account before this one for about a year.
don't let an imperfect yield get you down at all! whats important is that you even made it this far and learned alot. hell, you even got some free smoke outta the deal so thats a win-win! look at all the recent threads on here about people who told someone and were jacked, so as far as i'm concerned you already followed the most important rule! just think of how much better that you will be able to do next year with all that you have learned.


Well-Known Member
This year is my second grow first time I will actually harvest unless someone steals it which i don't think will happen.i have a small 2 or 3 foot plant prob going to give me 10 grams or do dried it's just alot of fun for me
i only have one plant left, only started with 2 though. lost one to termites, which i didn't even know were a problem, but now i do. its hard to estimate yield as i still have another week or two but my estimate would be a little more than an ounce, which for me will last a long time, maybe 3 months if i take it easy but more than likely 2 months, as having a low tolerance is a good thing in that regard!


Well-Known Member
That plant will be gone in two weeks 3 tops, guaranteed! Whenever you smoke your own stuff you tend to smoke more as it feels like it's free, that and you obsess over it wanting to smoke more of it.