My First Grow!


Active Member
beautiful plant :D.. it should start to grow like crazy soon. I have my big female in a 7"x7"x5" pot and it grew to 3 feet had to top and kinda hst it, u do not need a much larger pot than that. i am no pro though. Your plant is looking really nice, looks like indica, lucky u.

same with my thread no one seems to give a crap but its ok :DD, its nice to have a place to keep track and logs for a grow.( Im always on here, ill keep checking in with ur grow, looks like ur doing a great job, if theres anything i can help u with ill try my best. Keep up the good work ;p

Reading Bck - Yes, use mostly 2700k for flowering they have the red spectrum u need in order to get juicy buds with cfls.
I'll definitely check out your thread! I wasn't planning on switching pots anymore aside from my smallest girl. I'll switch to 2700k soon, when she actually starts to flower. I just gave her, her first dose of veg nutes. Guessing making the 2 gallon mix was pretty useless considering she's about to flower...


Well-Known Member
looking great man, from what I've seen out of mine you've got some big growth coming in this next two weeks, I'll be watching eagerly


Well-Known Member
If you can control the temperatures of the box, that sounds great. If not, you're asking for heat problems.

Here's a real world example using two ~35g rubbermaid tubs stacked together and properly exhausted using a passive intake.

Ambient/room temperature is ~72 F
2x CFL Bulbs brings the box to ~76 F
6x CFL Bulbs brings the box to ~81 F

So it's pretty safe to say that each CFL bulb raises the temperature in this example approximately 1.5 degrees.

If you were to use in your example, 12 bulbs, you would be looking at temperatures in the box of around 90 degrees. However, this is considering that your ambient temperature never changes.

Throughout the day, and night, your ambient temperature will change especially based on the room your box is in. Let's say you stick your box in the bedroom, eventually your bedroom is going to heat up from the exhaust. When it does, your ambient temperature is now higher, and thus your intake air is warmer so your box temperature is going to rise automatically. Unless you have a means of exhausting the room that the box itself is in as well, or you can cool down the room through means of A/C, you will eventually fry your plants left unattended.

A lot of people never consider ambient temperature when they design their lighting setups in these micro grows. They consistently say the same things and ask the same questions, "Why is my temperature in my box never going down? I added like 50 200mm PC fans to my exhaust and I got like 50 billion box fans blowing air into also but it never goes below 85! What's the deal?"

The deal is your ambient room temperature isn't changing, so it doesn't matter how many fans you add.

Keep this in mind when you pick the room that will house your box, design your box, exhaust, intake, and most importantly when you decide on your lighting.

Hope this helps.
+REP for the ambient temp info. Most people ignore this fact entirely and it is a HUGE factor in micro grows as well as cabinet growing.


looks great! i am on my first grow, but i am doing dwc. mine is only about 10 days, very young, but looks good i think. good luck!


Active Member
Yeah, most people completely forget about the ambient temperature... My friend who knows about the grow kept saying "just add a fan to cool it down" and I kept saying that it doesn't make a different when it's 90 degrees...


Active Member
Close-up pics a bit blurry, but other than that looks great! :weed: Which soil did you end up using? Was it the MG, or the Scotts you mentioned? I've been following from the beginning and I never quite caught that. Also, did you end up adding the MG 20-20-20? If so, I would avoid that, dried blood would be better but it's a very concentrated form of nitrogen, so if possible I would go back to where you initially got the blood meal just to read the packaging and make sure, because it can vary, but usually just start w/ maybe a TB mixed into the top inch of the soil. Watch out, though, make sure it's from a non-cow source, even if that's more important to look out for when using bone meal (better for flowering, 5-9-0, typically, and alkaline, whereas blood meal is acidic). Mexican bat guano would work well, too, along with earthworm castings, which are typically a normal soil amendment and have a low, gentle amount of nitrogen. It all depends on the soil you used though, you could be solid, and I'm not seeing any deficiencies. If you used MG be careful, though, they typically don't amend with dolomite lime when using peat-based mixes which can cause some pH issues later on. Does the soil seem fairly well aerated?

Sub'd +rep, I loved your prep work for this, it was nice to see someone who was obviously going to take great care of their plants after getting everything set up. :peace:


Active Member
Close-up pics a bit blurry, but other than that looks great! :weed: Which soil did you end up using? Was it the MG, or the Scotts you mentioned? I've been following from the beginning and I never quite caught that. Also, did you end up adding the MG 20-20-20? If so, I would avoid that, dried blood would be better but it's a very concentrated form of nitrogen, so if possible I would go back to where you initially got the blood meal just to read the packaging and make sure, because it can vary, but usually just start w/ maybe a TB mixed into the top inch of the soil. Watch out, though, make sure it's from a non-cow source, even if that's more important to look out for when using bone meal (better for flowering, 5-9-0, typically, and alkaline, whereas blood meal is acidic). Mexican bat guano would work well, too, along with earthworm castings, which are typically a normal soil amendment and have a low, gentle amount of nitrogen. It all depends on the soil you used though, you could be solid, and I'm not seeing any deficiencies. If you used MG be careful, though, they typically don't amend with dolomite lime when using peat-based mixes which can cause some pH issues later on. Does the soil seem fairly well aerated?

Sub'd +rep, I loved your prep work for this, it was nice to see someone who was obviously going to take great care of their plants after getting everything set up. :peace:
I picked up some nice organic jolly gardener potting soil. It looks very nice, better then scott's no doubt. I will be moving it into the new soil hopefully tomorrow.
and for nutes I used: Liquafeed All Purpose Plant Food 12-4-8


Active Member
The girl is spreading out a bit, I got a feeling she's about to flower.... I'm gonna give her a good amount of nutes for flowering seeing as shes only received 2 SMALL veg doses.(.8tsp/gallon 12 - 4 - 8 ) I'll keep her vegging long as possible, find with me. I'll switch to 12/12 in a week or so.


Nice grow man! im pretty much doing the exact same thing, using only cfl's aswell. Il sub to this :) wouldnt mind to see how much yours yeild compared to mine.


Active Member
She's not doing much better heat wise... Usually after her leaves are sticking up a bit (too hot) I can water her down and they drop right down.... Doesn't seem to be the case.... I might have to make a risky move and move the boxes location.... This would drop my boxes temperature amazingly but risk security.... and we're suppose to get 5 hot days coming up... I'll be moving the box Monday if she doesn't seem any better. My flowering chamber is almost done, just need to install some fans and it'll be ready!


Active Member
Decided to do a little testing and gave the youngest one some of the nute water I am using for the main plant. I only did like .7(tsp)/gallon so she should be able to take it. I want to get her out of the miracle grow and into the new more organic soil as soon as possible.


Active Member
Jolly Gardener Potting Soil.
Do you guys think I should switch to 12-12 yet?
DAY 25
Picture 52.jpgPicture 53.jpgPicture 54.jpgPicture 55.jpgPicture 56.jpgPicture 57.jpgPicture 58.jpgI know these are over-watered. I figured better to over water then roast em.... Basically swimming on a hot day. Also when I picked the pot up in the air I noticed a little root coming out of one of the spots....? This pot is the biggest size I'm going up... Why is it already coming out the bottom?


Well-Known Member
I'd say 12/12 in a week or so, but it's my first grow too so I couldn't say, I'm just thinking more veg than you need>not enough veg


Active Member
borbor my girls an autoflower, If is flowering shouldn't I switch to 12-12 but I am not sure if she's flowering... Still so small. (Just vaped a bit if this doesn't make sense I'll fix it later)


Well-Known Member
ohhhhhh, as a noob I can't be trusted but I thought with autoflowers you can do 12/12 anytime or 18/6 all the way through? even saying it doesn't sound right so might wanna go check it, I gotta take my dogs on a walk then I'll look that up and if I find something before you reply here I'll edit my post