My first grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for mentioning the salt, i figure people mention a certain brand for a reason so i do use that exact brand. I did wonder the reason for it though. Thanks for mentioning it. Thanks again for replying. My grow guys i kinda make up for the retardness with money so i do have the most expensive equipment and the most expensive nutes...i think. Anyways if your new like me and have a question i may not be the guy to ask but i'll be sure and tell you exactly what i did. Thanks for viewing, next photo comming day after tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i need a little help here. Last time i watered was monday now its friday and i was going to water them but my moisture meter reads from 1-10 and on the WW and Opium its reading a 4-5 and on the haze its hitting an 8. Is it possible i'm just sticking it down around the roots and its reading the moisture from them? cause i mean 4 days without water is plenty isnt it? I also somehow thought my flowering period was 5 or 6 weeks but its like 10 so i think there definatly gonna overgrow the space there in. Do i need to prune the lower leaves off as well? Been feeding them every time i water as well wich i know isnt recommended but hell look at em, no issues right? Just wondering if i should go ahead and water them or not. Thanks


Well-Known Member
OK well i went ahead and watered them anyways, was pretty late so nobody was online to even ask. There standing up fine though. Still need to know if i need to trim the bottoms or not. Any advice? There getting a little out of hand and there only gonna get bigger. Ty for viewing. let me know what you think. Take it easy



Well-Known Member
There still quite bushy, buds are starting up pretty good there. WW and OP have about 5 weeks left i believe. Thats 3 weeks into flowering, and SS haze has about 7 weeks left. Any thing i need to be aware of? Also i will accept any high fives out there, Thanks for watching guys.



Well-Known Member
Woohoooo a reply!!! Your now my best friend and were gonna be best buddy's and wrestle around, Yes!!!


Well-Known Member
i say just cut of whatever might be hanging in the dirt, just cause i like getin thos little popcorns at the bottom, there almost as potent and i'll smoke them first to hold on to my tops, but i hear some people trim all the way to the top to get only main heads, but its up to u


Well-Known Member
Here's the weekly update. They look pretty good to me, the haze is a bit slow being her flowering period is about 2 weeks longer than the other two, but there budding up pretty nicely. Dont knwo what to do about them getting to big so i guess there just gonna have to grow all over each other.



Well-Known Member
Here's the weekly update. They look pretty good to me, the haze is a bit slow being her flowering period is about 2 weeks longer than the other two, but there budding up pretty nicely. Dont knwo what to do about them getting to big so i guess there just gonna have to grow all over each other.

Hey buddy looking great! Remember how you said i could have that plant in pic 3 he he he :hump:


Well-Known Member
Haha oh yeah the little White widow there. She is looking pretty hot. Thanks brother, if you was around me brother i'd be sure to hook you up with some of her. haha i'm really just playing with these girls here, gonna have to bottle this shit till i can quit my job. I do notice i get about 50 views every post but only 1 or 2 reply's guess its like you said, nobody really has much to say as long as there doing well. Thanks again for keeping tabs man, i'll just keep the updates weekly. Man i hope those buds get as big as a freaking fist. Then i'll be more than happy to share.


Well-Known Member
Every one of those that are budding on the White widow man are budding all they way down the stem. So i guess by the time there ready they should be full of small buds rights? cause umm there's at least 8-10 of them around her. Thats good right?


Active Member
hi man them plants look lovley iam growing WW my self iam 2 weeks in and there pretty small but big leaves, what light set up are you using? i could with a lot of help my slef lol. cheers


Well-Known Member
400w lumitek is what i'm using man. Had them on a MH bulb all through veg stage and on the HPS bulb now that there into flowering. Happy to answer any questions i can man.


Well-Known Member
If not MurderAlley is there to back me up, he's the one thats been keeping regular watch on my grow.kiss-ass:hump::hump::weed:


Well-Known Member
If not MurderAlley is there to back me up, he's the one thats been keeping regular watch on my grow.kiss-ass:hump::hump::weed:

thats right i always got my boy scoobs back lol Yeah man i hope you get some big ole fist sized nugs of that ww too man!!


Active Member
thanks iam trying cfls to keep the heat down, have either of you ever heard of cfls doing an ok grow?


Well-Known Member
thanks iam trying cfls to keep the heat down, have either of you ever heard of cfls doing an ok grow?
yeah man ive been doing 12/12 from seed/clone for a while with cfls and the buds turn out real nice and very frosty but yeild was low. You have to keep the lights very close and u wont have stretching problems, i keep mine less than 2 inches away. It could be due to the lack of veg time or the fact that i didnt use nutes that they stayed small. I just added a 150w hps and a 175wmh and im pretty sure that will keep me happy for quite some time.


Well-Known Member
High-Five Scoob! What type of soil did you go with?

I used the Fox farms ocean forest. I heard it was really good and it seems to be doing just fine for me. didnt give nutes for first 3-4 weeks but after that i have been giving them some pretty good nutes man.


Well-Known Member
havent used Cfl's and i'd honestly like to see that cause i'm sure it would cut down my electric bill. Like the board with 8 bulbs in it and what not right? 400w grow light is doing some pretty good damage it seems like.