my first grow - when should i transplant


hey this is my first grow and are 2 weeks old. they are in 7" pots but i should i transplant them into 10" pots i have. when should i transplant then and what is the best way. cheers for any tips




Well-Known Member
Looking good so far, I'd transplant in about another week. Transplant when they are dry, not wet. Just put some soil in the bottom of a new container, tilt the old container on its side and place your palm on the soil with your pointer and middle finger straddling the stem at the base and gently shake the pot and pull the soil/rootball out and place it into the new pot and fill in new soil around the edges...then give it a good soak. If the root system is circling around the outside of the old pot you can run a razor blade down the sides of it before putting it into a new pot.


Active Member
hi there.
you can transplant as soon as you have a good root system.
Hold pot gently lightly squeeze , turn pot upside down and slide pot slowly off. if a good root system is visable your ready to transplant.
i would use some super thrive or super vit or rhizo tonic once transplanted to easer the shock and give them a quick boost. hope this helps matey


New Member
I usually wait until I start to see root ends coming out of the drain holes. As a suggestion, if it were my grow I would go ahead and put them into their final pot rather than having to transplant twice. Transplanting slows growth and can shock the plants as well. Get some pots that hold 1 gallon of medium for every foot in height you want the finished height to be. Good luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming.