My First Grow: Soil, DWC, & Aeroponics

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hey there Soloman,

Wow, those plants were looking pretty haggered in post #15. But they look good now. When I looked close, it looked like you might have missed the hell out of them. And what is up with the plants stuck under the bag? You wanting High humidty like the jungle?

Ahhh,, I get it.. You want to grow some Jungle Weed. I know the Jungle well. (swings from fan);-)


Well-Known Member
This post has been long overdue on purpose.

It was time to change the water, everything was looking good and I decided to up the dose. At first I used 1/2 the dose of nutes for 1 gallon of water mixed into 5 gallons.

This time I was high and put in a full dose of nutes for 2 gallons and then added 2 more gallons! Can you say "near certain death"? Anyway, I added another gallon of water and some hydrogen peroxide to kill the algae that grows so well.

All my leaves started turning yellow and mushy and just started falling off.

As of last night, the plants were picking up and starting to rapidly recover.

I just picked up my silver tape, so I'm going to cover my resevoir ASAP.

As far as questions:

No grow cab yet... just the closet floor. Hopefully I will obtain a 3'x2'x6'6" metal file cabinet soon this will be my flowering cab as soon as I get it. I also have two small refrigerators I will use (one average-dorm-room sized for veg and one half that size for clones).

No real ventilation yet either. Just a simple desk fan has given me pencil thick stems on the 9" tall plant

I will post pics soon.



Well-Known Member
I just noticed that your lid is "see threw" which means light can get through and get to the roots... Light + roots = dead/droop.

Cover the lid with some duct tape or somthing or else ur plants are ganna have a hard time growing.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm lazy and updating is just more work than I usually want to do. But I want to answer some questions and show some progress.

After looking at Wolfie's setup, I grabbed my silver tape and put it on the lid of reservoir. I'm pretty sure that stuff is a close relative of mylar, either way, it will stop all that nasty algae. (Thanks Blondie, I actually did it on 9/8.)

I was too lazy to redo all my water and really spent the last of my cash with none left to buy more distilled water. So I just added my last gallon and the plants bounced back after a week.

I will hopefully invest in the things I need to flower (cabinet, HPS, filter, nutes and hydro system) within the next couple weeks.

I will throw up more recent pics in a bit.




Well-Known Member
Ok, so time to invest! My plants are looking pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.

Things coming soon...

Cloning unit.

Flowering unit.

I will soon thereafter order my HPS and Nutes plus a cabinet with filtration.

Any advice on digital ballasts vs. magnetic? HTG has some sweet deals but I've heard about a high failure rate on the digis, but they are supposed to be whisper quiet and more efficient overall. . . On second thought, I will probably (hopefully!) yield enough to buy another one later anyway... so I will probably just go ahead and order it.

Oh well... Check out the pics.

And since I haven't said it yet... Thanks everyone who is following my grow. I truly appreciate the support!




Well-Known Member

Went to Walmart and got the supplies for the clone unit. I'm gonna build a few different flowering units so I can flower 2 plants at a time sequentially. Sort of a SOG theory.

I also just place an order with HTG for a 400w HPS, Tiger Bloom, FF blooming nutes, some light hangers and a carbon filter (too damn lazy to build one).

And I'm going to the Hydro store tomorrow for mylar and cloning plugs!

Check for updates soon.



Well-Known Member
It is amazing how much these are capable of growing in one day. I work from 10-8:30 during the week, but with travel tends to be 9-9. The only good thing about that is that my plants experience huge growth while I'm gone.

My plants are all doing really well at the moment. I noticed some algae in the reservoir last night, so after work I'm gonna clean it and put in stronger nutes (only at about 1/12th strength).

I'm also gonna cover the top of the res. with silver tape or spray paint. I think silver tape because I don't want the plants out too long and the fumes from paint will linger and kill my plants.

I had to rearrange my plants last night because the big one is reaching over the ones near it. I love it.

I have also decided to take a couple clones off my big plant tonight.

Here are a couple pics. The smallest one is my Purple-Skunk seed (who knows really?). I topped it again last night. I can't wait until I get home from work. 4.5 hours to go!
I noticed your using a semi-translucent lid on your DWC and am letting you know that any light reaching your roots can effect the growth and also promote root-rot. Maybe cover the lid with some duct tape, or something else that allows even secure, lightproof coverage.

Your grow looks like a lot of fun, and a shit ton of hard work! This will be fun to watch, Verry detailed posts, easy to follow. Good luck! And cover that lid.

Never mind that, I see I missed the last couple posts. Watch for spot burning with that foil tape. Good luck man.


Active Member
hows everything going with the grow. things should be coming up nice with the set up you have. have you moved on to clones or anything like that?


Well-Known Member
Well, it has been fun, but this will be my final update. It will be bullet style because I really don't want to leave anyone hanging. I will do my best to keep it chronological.

-Set up my HPS and started flowering my two biggest plants.
-Took 12 clones from the biggest plant.
-8 clones make it.
-both "mothers" turn out to be fathers.
-kill them both.
-put my other plants under the hps to veg more.
-get ff ocean forest soil and toss in 6 seeds. all get big fast
-Brother gets busted doing something stupid. Police walk out of my apartment in front of me with all my plants.

I will delay any further grows until I have a secure and discrete location. The only not-bad thing about this is that my brother said the plants were his since his charges so far out-weighed the plants.

It is really hard to watch the cops take everything, and I mean EVERYTHING out of your place right in front of you and you are helpless.

Lucky for me those fascists missed my vaporizer and I had my pipe and grinder on me and wasn't searched.

I'll be around.
