My first grow journal! Too excited

Happy smokes to all!
This is my first grow journal. I have a grow box stealth that I'm going to make outta an old stereo set. For now I have my plant in a box with a 6500k cfl and an exhaust fan with two holes at the bottom for vent. I have used peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite for my medium. I'm quite proud of myself. I murdered my first plant (Rupert) my her soul rest in garden heaven. I'm gonna post some pics soon. Maybe after I perfect my grow room and stuff. Thanks all for your amazing posts and all the info I gained from this site.
What is wrong with my beautiful baby!? Photo Feb 01, 4 39 16 PM.jpgPhoto Feb 01, 4 39 38 PM.jpgI havent watered her since Saturday but I read all the Newbie sections and everyone says Newbies over water their plant and I've read a lot of the forums and plant problems and solutions. But I dont really understand most of it because all plant damage looks the same to me, minus the rolling versus drying... IDK, I just know I've been growing this plant for 4 weeks now and I'm really freaking out because if it dies, I'm gonna have to wait longer to smoke some legit shit... lol... I hope any who reads this can sense my desperation... Help!
Also, I have a 1/3 even mix of vermaculite, perlite, and moss... a CFL light with 6500K "daylight"... its on 24 hours a day... it doesnt get hot and its in the open air so I dont really have any fans going on it (i ordered some fans from china and they have yet to come in)