My first grow...any feedback/suggestions?


Active Member
I started this experiment last summer with 4 bagseeds. I germinated them early june and 3 of them sprouted but 2 turned out to be males. I grew the sole female in my backyard from early-mid june and harvested her in the middle of october. This was what I got...

I apologize for poor picture quality and so few pictures. I wasn't really expecting anything so I didn't really prepare to document it :p

These pics were taken about 2-3 weeks before harvest. She yielded about 6 ounces dry and it was one of the most stoney indicas I've have ever smoked :eyesmoke:

I plan on starting up a small closet cfl grow in january, so look for more from me. cheers!


Active Member
thanks :) Weird thing is, I pretty much just used miracle grow for veg and then used some random 0-10-10 for flowering. I fed her once a week and watered her about every two days depending on the weather. I (along with my friends who got to try her) were amazed with the result for how little work was invested...this being said I can't wait to actually put thoughtfulness into my next grow :DD


Active Member
Thanks Bone...the pot was probably 10-15 gallons. Not really sure because this grow was at my parents house (I'm a college student and I went home for the summer) and my parents are garden freaks so I just used whatever was in our garage. Fortunately for me, they didn't mind the 5 foot tall marijuana plant and happily watered her for me a few times when I was out of town haha :D


Active Member
those buds look fucking sick! u should be proud of that result especially for a first outdoor grow it looks more like an indoor grow, props to you!!!


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I am gonna be first time grower HOPEFULLY this coming season and i been trying to learn how to do a similiar grow like yours. would you mind sharing ur process, like your soil u used, nutes, when to use ect.
im really clueless.
what fert, soil i neeed for seedlings, veg, and flowering. i would really love to know. its getting on my nerves i cant find a good site with info i need.
also what size is that tube there
thanks bongsmilie


Active Member
Well my process was really just haphazardly experimenting and letting nature run its this might not be that helpful but I'll do my best :)

So starting off, I germinated the seed in a wet paper towel in a glass in my closet. The seed cracked in about 3 days and I put it in some random potting soil that was around my garage in a small pot. I used the same soil each time I re-potted her, which was three times. I assume this type of soil can be purchased at any home depot or lowes for probably pretty cheap. I watered her with just water for about the first two weeks, watering every other day depending on weather (where I live it rains a lot), then I started using miracle grow. I fertilized once a week and kept the same watering routine. Once she started flowering I stopped using miracle grow and started using a 0-10-10 "bloom builder" that was in my garage (can't remember the specific name sorry!). I used the normal dosage for three weeks, then doubled it for the next three, and finally trippled it for the last three before taking one week to thoroughly flush her with a shitton of water. I also trimmed her about four times throughout the growing cycle to remove excess fan leaves that were blocking nodes from receiving proper sunlight...and uhh that's about it. Like I said, I didn't really put a whole lot of effort into it because I honestly didn't think it would have turned out like it did!

Hope this helps :bigjoint:


Active Member
Well my process was really just haphazardly experimenting and letting nature run its this might not be that helpful but I'll do my best :)

So starting off, I germinated the seed in a wet paper towel in a glass in my closet. The seed cracked in about 3 days and I put it in some random potting soil that was around my garage in a small pot. I used the same soil each time I re-potted her, which was three times. I assume this type of soil can be purchased at any home depot or lowes for probably pretty cheap. I watered her with just water for about the first two weeks, watering every other day depending on weather (where I live it rains a lot), then I started using miracle grow. I fertilized once a week and kept the same watering routine. Once she started flowering I stopped using miracle grow and started using a 0-10-10 "bloom builder" that was in my garage (can't remember the specific name sorry!). I used the normal dosage for three weeks, then doubled it for the next three, and finally trippled it for the last three before taking one week to thoroughly flush her with a shitton of water. I also trimmed her about four times throughout the growing cycle to remove excess fan leaves that were blocking nodes from receiving proper sunlight...and uhh that's about it. Like I said, I didn't really put a whole lot of effort into it because I honestly didn't think it would have turned out like it did!

Hope this helps :bigjoint:
thanks a ton, im so new to this lol well that little effort did ALOT.
i think i am gonna try ur deal. so u just used any old potting soil?? do u recommend anything?? and could u been using alaska morbloom as ur 0-10-10? did u feed her it everytime u went to water??(like i said i am completely new to this), also what do u do when u flush?
sorry to ask so much. =\


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that wasn't the name of it...might have been ortho bloom builder but don't quote me on that :p

I used random potting soil but I'd recommend organic soil and nutrients, I'm still "new" to growing too and I wish I would have purchased organic nutes/soil. I fed her once a week - the fertilizer was a liquid which is mixed into water. I watered her every mon/wed/fri and on the friday water I mixed in the fertilizer.

For flushing, I raised up the pot from the ground to allow for proper drainage, then pumped her full of water for about 30 minutes, then did the same thing again the next day. Flushing gets rid of all the excess chemicals/nutrient metals/metaloids which provides for a smooth smoke. Don't fertilizer during flushing, just good ol H2O.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that wasn't the name of it...might have been ortho bloom builder but don't quote me on that :p

I used random potting soil but I'd recommend organic soil and nutrients, I'm still "new" to growing too and I wish I would have purchased organic nutes/soil. I fed her once a week - the fertilizer was a liquid which is mixed into water. I watered her every mon/wed/fri and on the friday water I mixed in the fertilizer.

For flushing, I raised up the pot from the ground to allow for proper drainage, then pumped her full of water for about 30 minutes, then did the same thing again the next day. Flushing gets rid of all the excess chemicals/nutrient metals/metaloids which provides for a smooth smoke. Don't fertilizer during flushing, just good ol H2O.
you dont understnd how much this is helping me lol xP
i just have few more questions.
when flushing did u lift plant, soil and all? and wht do u men u pumped her for about 30 mins how did u do that
and how do u know when to up dosages on fert when flowering,
also how did u deal with the bug problems.. if u had any
thank u my friends :mrgreen:


Active Member
When I flushed her I lifted the entire pot (dirt and plant and all) on wood blocks on either end so that excess water could easily flow out the bottom holes in the pot. I left a running hose on her is what I meant by pumped her with water haha :p

As for upping nute dosages I just kinda played it by ear. I read somewhere that cannabis can take extra amounts of nutes, but you don't want to overdo it and burn your plants. Give generously, but not too much.

As for bugs...well the yard that she was grown in is like a plant sanctuary (1 acre of backyard covered in trees/grass/flowers/all sorts of plants). I didn't have many pest problems mostly because I had a spider living in her for a while and he ate a lot of bugs. I also had some sort of mantis creatures living on her fan leaves and they ate a lot of pesky bugs too. Honestly I got really lucky with the bug situation. I did however have a deer eat two of my colas :shock: (hence the fence around her in the pics)


Active Member
When I flushed her I lifted the entire pot (dirt and plant and all) on wood blocks on either end so that excess water could easily flow out the bottom holes in the pot. I left a running hose on her is what I meant by pumped her with water haha :p

As for upping nute dosages I just kinda played it by ear. I read somewhere that cannabis can take extra amounts of nutes, but you don't want to overdo it and burn your plants. Give generously, but not too much.

As for bugs...well the yard that she was grown in is like a plant sanctuary (1 acre of backyard covered in trees/grass/flowers/all sorts of plants). I didn't have many pest problems mostly because I had a spider living in her for a while and he ate a lot of bugs. I also had some sort of mantis creatures living on her fan leaves and they ate a lot of pesky bugs too. Honestly I got really lucky with the bug situation. I did however have a deer eat two of my colas :shock: (hence the fence around her in the pics)
i plan on doing a guriella grow in the woods(TN) so it will be hard for my bug, deer problem we get alot of bugs and stuff during winter xP
do u know any good, but healthy for plant pesticides?


Active Member
Yeah I know of one very effective, all-natural pesticide, but its letting mantises (like a praying mantis) live in your grow area. They are strictly carnivores and will keep all of your bug/pest problems to the minimum. Other than that, any sort of natural way of deterring bugs to your plants can work. I don't really know of any effective all-natural pest control for outdoor grows though other than a mantis. Sorry man :(


Active Member
Yeah I know of one very effective, all-natural pesticide, but its letting mantises (like a praying mantis) live in your grow area. They are strictly carnivores and will keep all of your bug/pest problems to the minimum. Other than that, any sort of natural way of deterring bugs to your plants can work. I don't really know of any effective all-natural pest control for outdoor grows though other than a mantis. Sorry man :(
i will figure something out:blsmoke:
i was gonna ask u did u top yours as all?


Active Member
I didn't but I wish I would have. Since it was my first grow, I didn't really know all that much about growing, and I didn't really learn what topping was until it was too late for me to do so.