My first Go About with Autos (Crop King Early Miss Auto)


Wanted to give these a try, just for grins. Most of my plants are non-aggressive feminized growers, so I wanted to try my hand at the quick and dirty so I can partake of my green a little sooner. I know they're sustainability is suspect (one-and-done growing/can't clone/can't reveg), but I just wanted to say that yes, yes I've tried my hand at autos. (That, and I've sworn off the local mystery weed from "dude", but that's another story.)

TBH, these girls started out with quite the bang. From the getgo on 1/31, they showed some pretty aggressive growth, from seed pop to that first true node. Within days, they instantly got leggy on me, and I was worried they were going to strangle themselves reaching for the light, so I propped them much closer to the hood. Once that second node unfurled, they seemed to calm down a bit. Then, they sort of slowed. And slowed some more. Steady growth, but not what I was expecting for plants who are supposed to finish from germ to harvest in 7 weeks.

Now, in week 4, they're blooming and starting to fill out their pots quite nicely. :-) I'm not going to hold my breath for a 3 week finish, but I dunno. They might just surprise me.



Well-Known Member
I have heard most autos will take longer than specified. Nice looking plant by the way!,


Thanks. :) I'm not too awful worried about it. Growing in dirt I'm sure probably slows things down a bit. No biggie.