My First Ever Journal


Active Member
G'Day all, This is the first time i have done a journal on my plants while they are growing. If you have any comments please feel free to PM me or reply on this thread. Ok, My first plant is approximatly 4 weeks old it stands bout 7 inches tall an bout 7 inches wide i tip it nearly every morning as i cant let it grow to high and i am trying to train it to run along my garden through out the rest of the plants in there so day to day visitor's cant see it. My second plant which basically this journal would be covering sprouted yesterday. I didnt want to buy potting mix from the shops so i made up a compost bin few months back, have been adding all me veggie scraps, grass clippings palm fronds etc etc to it, everytime i add more grass clippings or garden waste ito the bin i add more top soil to it and heapa chook shit, chook shit being good soucre of Nitrogen, once it was all broken down and nice black nutrient soil left over i put some in a pot an planted a seed. That seed popped up yesterday, i had a look at it today and it was bout inch an half tall and its first set of pointed leaves have got a purple tinge to them, I got told by a mate today that it could be a case of too many nutrients in the soil??? or it could just be the strain of the plant??? havnt got any pics of it yet but will try to get some up tomorra if possible for all of ya to look at. My other plant that is bout 7 inches tall i Transplanted him into the same soil last week and also put him ontop of where i used to have a compost heap. she is growing nicely with fresh shoots just bout everyday. will take pics of both.


Active Member
The fertilizer i am currently using till me plants start flowering is called "NITROSOL Rose Liquid Plant Food" it is 12.2% Nitrogen 4%Phospherus and 8.5%Potassium" i have found that to be a nice mix for the tropical climate i am in.


Active Member
I told you all yesterday i will try get some photo's of me plants, They arnt real clear because they were taken off me mobile phone, my plant that was in my old compost heap got attacked by one of me chooks last night so it looks little worse for wear, there is a burn on one leaf but thats from my own fault concentrate fertilizer spilt on it, hope these pics can clear it up a bit for ya. I will be fertilizing me main plant again today, havnt watered it since saturday arvo last gave it fertilizer on thursday arvo. None of the pic's of the small one with the purple tinge in there leaves worked out so got 3 pics of other plant.



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I've got no idea what duck plants are.
Duck Plants are a type of indica plant that looks very similair to the plant that pauliojr had under the thread "How to tell what kind of wee d you have". Except it doesnt have the 5 leaves on a stem it only has 3 and much wider, they are a really dark green in colour if average Joe blo walks down the street and see's it he would think its just a normal herb plant for your cooking.


Active Member
G'Day am back for a bit, Just lettin all ya's know i didnt put any bought fertilizer round me plants today I had a bucket of chook shit that was soaking in water for the last fortnight, woulda been bout 25 litre bucket i put round the plant on top of my old compost heap. Chook and Sheep shit have a ton of nitrogen in them and will make the plants grow like wild bush fire if used correctley can also kill your plants if you use too much, have learnt that one the hard way on previous crop. On my next payday i am gonna buy some thrive or osmocate, one that is high in Phospherous so it will make me plants flower will keep feeding them that every 3rd night for bout month maybe 2 depening on what the weather is doing in this hot humid tropical climate. After that time is up i will buy some more fertilizer this time one with high potassium levels to force the plants to bud. Will feed them that every 3rd night aswell for 2 months or till plant is full mature which ever is first, in this climate think the 2 months would be first. After the 2 months will just let the plant get any excess nutrients out of the soil that is in it by only watering it with rain water every 3rd night prolly for bout 2 weeks maybe longerall depedning on how me plant is doing.


Active Member
wat u gonna do about bugs etc. wish u all the luck in the world but this one could be tricky.
I'm one step ahead of you there mate, i worked this out on my last crop with a bitta help from me ol neighbours (Big time smoker's and dealer's use to supply to over three quarts of the town i used to live in) when you do your next load of washing and the first cycle is finnished as the water is coming out of the pipe put a bucket under neath it, now mix that water 50/50 with some feed that you have diluted in another bucket, put in a sprayer and spray till your heart is content, with the left over water from the washing machine put that around your plant a good foot away from it will deter most bugs that come thru the soil. now i know it doesnt work in all different types of country and terrain but it did work marvelously where i used to live.


Active Member
G'Day all, back again. well another seedling popped up again today an felt like doing something different with it instead of growing outdoors so i have put it in one of me cupbards bout 18"x18"x5'. have got one lamp in there for the time being till i get a couple more for it, have built in 5 cpu fans from spare computer's have got lying round the house. If your wondering what i have done for power supply for the fans i took a power supply out of one of my old Dell's and ran a few computer cpu fan extension cords on the outside of the cupard to each fan, I have an extensive knowledge of computer's and electronics and it all worked perfectly on my first attempt, have also installed inline switches on each fan so i can control the mains and each fan seperatly which will come in handy for those really hot humid day's i have here in the tropics. normally will only have 2/3 fans going but on really hot day's will have all 5 fans going. I will be treating this plant exactley the same as i would with an outdoor plant like i usually do. Another reason why i have decided to grow indoor's is because we have had a really late start to the wet season and the storm we had last night nearly flattened my plant in the back yard "ahwell thats the way the cookie crumbles" i always say will keep up to date with what i am doing will try post some pics up within the next couple of weeks of me electrical work with the fans so all you have a rough idea on what i have done but this is an extremely busy time of year in the office and with this new survey program i'm typing up in python (for those of you who dont know python is a scripting program used to write new programs (most of me mates call me computer geek but i beg to differ)) will also keep me extremely busy. so i will try me hardest to get everything up on this site for ya but if i dont you can see why. well gotta get back to work will come back in later.


Well-Known Member
Well looking good there with the plants. Hope thats everything goes well and hope hear more soon. Really want to see some new pics that would be good,


Smokes Up




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Well my plant i had in me back yard is completely flattened, we have been having some pretty mad storms and a lot of areas around us are in flood, so i am extremely lucky even to be able to get on the net havnt been able to get on for nearly a week because of all the storms around us. Since that plant got flattened i will be waiting till this monsoonal trough disappears before i plant any new seed's untill then just hope the plant i have in the back yard doesnt get too water logged, it hasnt seen any sun for bout week an half now only heaps and heaps of rain. My plant i got in the cupbard doesnt really seem to be doing much at the moment will be putting him outside once the trough disappears aswell i have got a nice little spot sussed out near the swamp that is only 100 metres down the road from me where i'll be planting him, i have allreay dug up the soil where i am going to put him and have put heap compost and shit in the hole then slightly covered it back up so hopefully few nutrients will start to seep out by the time this trough disappears for when he goes in. well gotta go before this next storm starts


Active Member
well can finally come come back online again storms have gone and the monsoonal trough has disappeared, i have planted few new seeds in coupla pots today hopefully they'll sprout in tha next week, the plant i had growing in the back yard at the time the storms hit has been completley flattened but has started picking up again since the storms have past, the plant i had in me cupbard that is now outside gettin proper light from the sun i was supposed ta give them some fertilizer today but forgot (Hard day's work been flat out like a lizard drinking) will be giving them dose fertilizer tomorra after work have set reminder's on me lappy so wont forget, the one in the pot is about 6 inches tall has been tipped about 6 times allready and have pruned all lower leaves so the plant can concentrate on growing nice and tall and bushy, will hopefully take few photo's over tha weekend but wether i get a chance ta do it or not is another story as i have some reports that need typing up.


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I used a combination of 2 diff ferrtilizer's, The shop i usually buy fertilizer from didnt have any Power Feed so i got Miracle Grow instead i use that with Yates Thrive Soluble All Purpose Fertilizer, I have always used a combination with every grow i Have, I also use chook shit that has been sitting in water for a couple of weeks as striaght chook shit is very high in nitrogen and will kill the root system.


Well-Known Member
Good question. Just curious Calcutta, I have seen some information that indicated the water in Australia, I beleive they rferred to it as PERTH WATER, is not good for growing. Know anything about this?


Active Member
Good question. Just curious Calcutta, I have seen some information that indicated the water in Australia, I beleive they rferred to it as PERTH WATER, is not good for growing. Know anything about this?
Perth is on the opposite side of Australia to where i live but yeah this is basically tru, depending on the area that you live in plants dont like the water, where i used to live the plants done well on tap water but where i curently am they arnt doin as good so i use rainwater here if possible.

Regarding pothead's question yeah chook is aussie slang for full grown chicken, chicken's are baby chook's