My first ever grow. Am I looking good here?

So I have just built my first grow space in the closet in my bedroom. I think I am almost there in regards to setup, all I need to do is change my exhaust fan setup as it too low down. I couldn't find anything at the time to hang the filter off the ceiling or wall. Btw by space is 7sq ft, 3 x 2.5 and goes all the way to the ceiling about 7.5 foot

Current equipment
  • 2 x 125w cfl 6500k bulbs
  • 1 shitty old fan
  • 4" exhaust fan
  • 10cm carbon filter
  • The obvious stuff (pots, ducting, timers)
I have 3 unknown Kush seedlings going (from what I can tell looking well) maybe the pots are a little big but will save transporting later, I do have 2 bigger pots ready and will get a third so they can be transported way later on.

My future plans include getting 2 hps bulbs for when it's flower time, getting some fox farms grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom. I was hoping to top the plants on their 4th node then leaving them from then on.

How am I looking guys? I know it's a length post but I will appreciate it if someone takes to time to help me out.

Btw I think there's a triploid in their absolutely mad for my first grow.


IMG_20170831_190907.jpg 3rd day in pot

3rd day in pot



Well-Known Member
Look good. The lights could lowered by about five inches. The sprouts are on the far end of stretch.

Don't water again for at least a week. Check them at 7 days.

The 'shitty' fan is perfect. You might consider adding a couple more smaller fans. Take a stick and tape a small section of sewing string to one end. Stick it in one of the pots. It'll act like a mini wind sock. Giving you an idea of the air flow around the sprouts.
Thanks for u quick response! I will try to get them a bit closer as soon as.

Will my plants last the long without being watered?

I was thinking about getting some computer fans there cheap as and thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
Sprouts can't physically drink that much water. They're not big enough. As the pot dries, the roots will chase the moisture down. They don't need much to take off. It'll be closer to 10 days before they need more water.

If the top soil becomes overly dry. Mist it with a hand sprayer. Spray till the top soil is moist. It'll help keep humidity up. When it comes time to water again. Pour in a circle close to the sides of the pot and let the moisture wick inward towards the plant. Don't worry about drenching the soil. Water till the pot has some weight to it.

Second watering they go about another 5-7 days before water is needed again. By the third, it'll be every 3-5 days....then in late flower about every two days.
Make sense, again thanks for the info. I will leave them as you say and see where I am at. Thanks for the water advice it was one thing I wasn't 100% about.

I probably have been slightly over watering.


Well-Known Member
I veg plants for around 30 days. From seed to about 10" tall. I water a total of 3 to 4 times. Before the light is switched.

Flowering is when you're pouring the gallons. Every other morning.
When changing to HPS take into consideration extra heat. Have the ballast out the grow space as they are also a heat source.

Hope all goes well, good luck buddy 8-)


Well-Known Member
This is the most laid back part of the grow. They don't need much at all. You can walk away from them for a few days. Still keeping track of the temps that is.

Flowering is where it gets to be a pain. It's wake up, get a cup of coffee and water the Damn plants. Rinse and repeat for a month or two months. That's when it gets laborious.

I have 8 sprouts myself about the same age as yours. This is the easy part. We have 3 more months to go. Give or take a few days...
This is the most laid back part of the grow. They don't need much at all. You can walk away from them for a few days. Still keeping track of the temps that is.

Flowering is where it gets to be a pain. It's wake up, get a cup of coffee and water the Damn plants. Rinse and repeat for a month or two months. That's when it gets laborious.

I have 8 sprouts myself about the same age as yours. This is the easy part. We have 3 more months to go. Give or take a few days...
Fair play mate, time to chill then bongsmilie. Theres a problem too my thermometer hasn't come yet should be here tomorrow.

I hope you don't mind me asking where were up to once in a while haha. I should be good now anyways for now thanks for the info you've been a big help man.


Well-Known Member
You may want to look into Hempy buckets, it's the poor man's Hydroponics. I'm a poor man, I know. Lol
I'm on my first grow and considering the amount of time spent one growing, I've started my second n third grow. I decided to get out of soil and grow in perlite n vermiculite in a coffee container for a bucket. You can't over water it.
I know my stuff is ghetto but it's functional. Lol that's 3 weeks old growing in a converted entertainment center. Lol
These guys on Roll It Up know there stuff.


You may want to look into Hempy buckets, it's the poor man's Hydroponics. I'm a poor man, I know. Lol
I'm on my first grow and considering the amount of time spent one growing, I've started my second n third grow. I decided to get out of soil and grow in perlite n vermiculite in a coffee container for a bucket. You can't over water it.
I know my stuff is ghetto but it's functional. Lol that's 3 weeks old growing in a converted entertainment center. Lol
These guys on Roll It Up know there stuff.
Looking good mate. I was supposed to mix perlite in my soil but forgot to get some, going to add it when I re pot. I never considered using straight perlite/verm. I'll give it a go at some point, thanks for the tip keep up the good work man.
This is the most laid back part of the grow. They don't need much at all. You can walk away from them for a few days. Still keeping track of the temps that is.

Flowering is where it gets to be a pain. It's wake up, get a cup of coffee and water the Damn plants. Rinse and repeat for a month or two months. That's when it gets laborious.

I have 8 sprouts myself about the same age as yours. This is the easy part. We have 3 more months to go. Give or take a few days...
Here's how I ended up setting it up



Well-Known Member
Be sure net them grow five sets of leves
They are quality mate only £19 each off ebay.

I would send the link but can't because I'm a new user. The guys called hydrophonics4less but my parcel and PayPal receipt said fans4less lol.
Good deal, thanks for that info, I'll look them up on eBay. Thanks again
Be sure net them grow five sets of leves

Good deal, thanks for that info, I'll look them up on eBay. Thanks again
No problem.

Just one more question if anyone can answer. My room is sitting at 31 to 32 celsius I know this is way too high. I have 2 fans already and getting another in 10 mins but is there any other inexpensive ways of keeping heat down


Well-Known Member
No problem.

Just one more question if anyone can answer. My room is sitting at 31 to 32 celsius I know this is way too high. I have 2 fans already and getting another in 10 mins but is there any other inexpensive ways of keeping heat down
I have to turn the A/C on in the grow room to keep my grow tent 90f while the lights are on, I just hope she's worth it.

