my first clones

Y.R. Token

After getting some help here from others (Thanks) about how to and what to do, I took some clones from my female. There was a great post I saw the other day by someone, cloning in soil the same way I did it but I can't find it now, it was directed at noobies and was very good with great photos.:clap:

The only part not really covered was how to know when they have rooted. Well it's fairly easy to spot the new growth and how they act from day to day... Now my two little girls here are looking good IMHO:-P, they never really wilted or anything bad looking, however I see some light yellow to light bright green dis-color that is slowly changing back to a nice green color but there are some yellow spots...

Now the one plant it seems that the spots are fading on the one plant, it's doing it on the other on too, only slower the other one. I have search and read posts seeking an answer as to what it might mean or be, but no really finding an answer or photo that looks like mine.... I assume it's a some what normal process due to having to grow roots again + shock etc.

I took these from a plant in flower for a week, I placed them in MG potting mix with time release fert. and I covered them with a plastic bag for about 14 days, misting twice a day and under a flo in the veg room... They are about 18 days now and plastic free and given a drink, looking good other then the color.

Any ideas? Comments?

I'm thinking it might be the MG fert media?

Clone 1-1.jpgClone 2-1.jpgClone 2-2.jpgClone 1-2.jpg


I just took my first clones last night, so I dont have any answers yet. But those look great. About how long did it take before you thought you had roots?

Y.R. Token

About 10 to 14 days, I didn't remove the plastic bags full time until day 14 when it was clear they wouldn't start to wilt. About day 10 or so I would let them have an hour or so of fresh air then put the plastic bag back on, during that time it seemed like they didn't like it all that much, but I could just have been too worried?