My First Baby


Well-Known Member
i you should be fine with 4 bulbs i cant rember his name atm but i read that he grew a plant from start to finish under a single like 60 watt cfl or in that area and he has the pics and stuff to back it up so u should be fine. if i think of his name i will let u know

screen name is riddle me


Well-Known Member
i you should be fine with 4 bulbs i cant rember his name atm but i read that he grew a plant from start to finish under a single like 60 watt cfl or in that area and he has the pics and stuff to back it up so u should be fine. if i think of his name i will let u know

screen name is riddle me
right on right on i just wanted to make sure going from 248 watts to only 164 wouldnt stress the girls out


Well-Known Member
k so i went out today for a few hours to browse around hardware stores and what not and i found that a few places sell 75 w hps bulbs but not one of them sell the hardware to run them, ah well, i picked up 4 more 23w 2700k lights(40's are expencive)
and some zip ties and some real electrical tape(as oposed to packing tape i was using) so now im up to 256 watts again and when i get a little more cash illpick up 4 40 w bulbs and swap them out. so here is my update today.

i must be over nuteing because i stopped watering for a few days after flushing and the colors were back to normal, i fed 2 days ago and they are yellowing again:?

i added more water to the nutes i already had mixed to dilute it a bit, hopefuly gets better.:weed:



Well-Known Member
I really like your CFL set up, but you should make something that reflects the light bac down from the top, like a reflector or something


Well-Known Member
The amount of cash you have to spend on CFL's to get buds you might as well spend $125 at HTG and do it right. 6 months of flowering under 6, 45 w cfls and the buds never really formed past where yours are I had to chop em and start I got two 400w HPs' was frustrating to waste time and get crappy results. I wish you nothing but the best and I hope you have better luck than I did....but even after adding 100w T5 it still wasn't enough and the light was sitting on the plant ...


Well-Known Member
125 for the light, extra money on your electric bill, more money on proper ventilation.

You had over 200 watts of CFL's and didn't get past where he is? thats called bad genetics

I only have 184 watts

this is my last grow, IN A PARTY CUP...

dont get me wrong, HPS is obviously a better choice, but CFL's can produce just fine, there's a reason why hes doing CFL's and not HID lighting...


Well-Known Member
thanks sicc, i put some mylar up on my walls in the closet, now it looks like a real grow i plan on going to the dollar store sometime next few days and getting a disposable pizza pan to use as a reflector, thanks for the warning juggalo i guess everybody has different results



Well-Known Member
lookin good redwolf. man to bad they didnt have the hardware to run the 70 watt hps. but all well looks like u got alot of cfl light. and i agree with sicc u can acheive great results with cfl but hid is better.


Well-Known Member
so i found a more efficient way to hang my lights so that they are easily adjustable, i went to the dollar store and bought a bag of zip ties, works great, all i have to do to raise them is pull on the zip ties until they are a good height, its not a great fit but i got a roasting pan for over my lights so that everything (except for 2 bulbs)is being reflected to the plants:blsmoke:

had to lst the tall lanky one again because im not ready to lift the lights (even untied the short one stays short) buds are starting to come along nicely still no strong smells so thats a bonus:mrgreen:
even my little baby that i started has grown alot in the past couple days(might throw it outside when i start my power plant but it all depends on if i move out of town or not. lolbongsmilie

anyways,y'all have a nice day and im always up to suggestions on the yellowing, i dont know if im over feeding or under feeding :roll:



Well-Known Member
If your getting yellowing its most likely under feeding, if you were over feeding you would see signs of nutrient burn


Active Member
so i found a more efficient way to hang my lights so that they are easily adjustable, i went to the dollar store and bought a bag of zip ties, works great, all i have to do to raise them is pull on the zip ties until they are a good height, its not a great fit but i got a roasting pan for over my lights so that everything (except for 2 bulbs)is being reflected to the plants:blsmoke:

had to lst the tall lanky one again because im not ready to lift the lights (even untied the short one stays short) buds are starting to come along nicely still no strong smells so thats a bonus:mrgreen:
even my little baby that i started has grown alot in the past couple days(might throw it outside when i start my power plant but it all depends on if i move out of town or not. lolbongsmilie

anyways,y'all have a nice day and im always up to suggestions on the yellowing, i dont know if im over feeding or under feeding :roll:
LMAO...I can't help it but it looks so fkn funny w that pan hanging in ur grow room ;) great idea bro, really! Ima build me a new DIY CFL set up using a pan like that, but XXL size...u got me going, hehe! Zip ties are sooo usefull and strong, allways good to have a bag of those at home :bigjoint: I like how ur set up has evolved, is that emergency blankets u using as reflective? I use them, they work super and is so cheap compared to fkn rip-off-MYLAR ;) Some people say they create "hot spots", MY ASS...hahaha...I'm baked. Anyways no need to worry bout hot spots when using CFL's :-P I'm happy for you those buds are forming nicely! That area ur growing in would suit perfect for a 400W HPS....:fire:

Keep it real! //CaL