My first baby,,,looks sick.


Well-Known Member
Not good for flowering. You need a higher potassium and phosphorous.

Check this out. Then ask Robert to email you the link for his FREE grow bible. Very helpful for newer growers and it's free for download when he sends you the link.

And here's a link with the info on ratios for bloom. If you go to the store look in the plant food section for numbers close tothese. It does not have to be designed for pot.



"Using Perlite and Vermiculite is still technically considered hydroponic (not soil), so you'll need to use a hydroponic pH range (5.5 - 6.5). Magnesium and Calcium especially tend to get locked out when the pH near the roots drops below 6.0. If you adjust the pH to the proper levels, this problem should clear right up."
Sorry to go a little off topic but THIS answer is what I've been searching for... I'm using hempy bucket technique with a familiar mixture and was contemplating between nutrient burn or a cal/mag deficiency problem. I'm guessing pH near my roots is too low now though I've been pH checking.



Well-Known Member
Hello there all,

Well some good and bad news.
My first little one still hasn't fully recovered and after a month is still quite small and is not showing much growth.(1st pic)
However, the burnt leaves seem to have wilted away. I will continue to water and apply the 5-0-0 as instructed and she might come good.
12 days ago I planted popped in another little bean and she is coming along well.
Monitored the soil PH levels, applying 5-0-0 every 3rd water and put her under CFLs and invested in a heater as it is ball freezing winter here.
Cheers for all your advice. Will keep you updated how my little one comes along.

