My First Aeroponics Grow - Blue Dream


Got 3 setups going on.

1 - Microgarden - 7 plants - just started week 5 of flowering under a 600w HPS light

Next to it I've got a Stinkbud Jr. setup thats just started week 2 of flowering under a 600w HPS light

In a separate 2x4 tent I've got another LumigrowES 330w LED light. Vegging for 1 week.


How long have you been in veg for?
3 weeks. I originally cut 2-3" clones right before the Microgarden started to flower. they stayed in the cloner for 2 weeks before transferring over to veg.

I'll post some more picks soon. They are growing like crazy.


Microgarden has nearly finished week 6 of flowering. 1 more week to go then I'll start with the 2 weeks of flushing. They are really looking nice. The hairs are starting to turn orange. Had a minor snafu with the lights. My digital timer crapped out on me. Thank goodness I try to check it every day.

The Stinkbud Jr in the 4x4 room isn't doing that bad. Not great but not bad. I tried to go a little light on the nutes for the first week and they starved. Now I'm feeding em full strength and they're starting to bud a bit. Not bad for 2 weeks of flowering.

The 2nd Stinkbud Jr in the veg tent is ridiculous. Can't wait to move em over.

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Thats some nice growth this makes me want to try out an aero system for sure. Nice mate everything looks good from here. Just wondering what your nutrient setup is like?


Botanicare Nutrients:
126ml Cal-Mag Plus
150ml Sweet
180ml Liquid Karma
540mlL Pure Bend Pro Bloom

Mix it all together in a 1 gallon jug. Top off with distilled water and add it to the res until it reaches 2000ppm.

Search Stinkbud's Harvest a Pound every 3 weeks. It explains it all. I'm sold. I'm going to try his latest nutrient mix from
West Coast Horticulture

I'll document it here with the LED grow.


Just switched the LED over last night to 12/12

I decided to go Non Organic and use The 2 part West Coast Horticulture Bloom and a Bloom Booster.

I love the fact that the nutes are Clear.

Anyone know if I should be adding Sweet at any point or just stick with the 2 part system???


Read Al B Fuct's thing on Sweet. Guess it's time to recycle that as well.

Here are the new pics.

LED tent is in the first week of flowering
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This is just finishing up it's 3rd week of flowering. Just switched these over to non organic nutes as well

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and finally the nearly ending of week 6 in the Microgarden. Soon 2 weeks of flushing.

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To flush or not to flush. That's the question. I think I'll go with tap water for 10 days. Don't want to stress them too much. No Clearex or Final Flush. Don't think that stuff is needed.