My Dog Gets HIGH


New Member
This is Harley AKA "the baby" He just finished chowing down on his own personal weed stash in the back yard. He loves his catnip and he's high as hell, just look at his eyes.



Well-Known Member
haha! i know the type.
my aunts kittens will fuck with you while you try and use the computer, but try and pick one up, BAM welcome to band-aid city!
they get it from the mom cat.


New Member
if you try to take him in and he's not ready he puffs all up and turns into a tornado full of razor blades. My neighbor lady came running out one day laughing at me yelling "are you sure that's a house cat and not a panther ?"

He makes some scary ass noises when he's pissed too.


Well-Known Member
a tornado of razor blades!
that would suck.

blow some hits in his face.
he'll chill.


New Member
Naw he's like 10 years old and he's kind of "special" if he rode a bus it would be short for sure. He can eat his nip and I'll smoke my weed and we'll both be happy.


Well-Known Member
me missus comes home with this shitsu the other day. and i can tell you it lives up to its name. all it does is shit. gonna give the little fucker another hit



Active Member
me and my ex boyfriend made close to 10 cups of ganja butter and during the process my ex got a lot of butter on his hands, and would let our dog Kali lick it off his hands. She loved it, and a little while later she would just stand there staring at us, swaying back and forth. and her forehead would be all wrinkled up it was a pretty funny sight, but she would always come back for butter every time we made it.


New Member
He looks like that because he just got done trying to bury that bone with his face. It was in an area where I was trying to get some grass to grow. I was watering and the neighbors gave him that bone that is way to big for him to eat so he was pushing the mud over the bone with his face.

He got a bath right after that pic was taken. I don't let him go around looking that skanky all the time.


Active Member
I don't have a dog but I have a cat, and whenever I'm smoking he always jumps up on me, and puts his hands on my shoulders waiting for me to blow him a shotgun. Sometimes if I don't to it immediately he purs, but when he gets high he always jumps up onto my pool table and pushes the balls around, or he'll just pass out in my lap.

The first time he ever got high was when he was a kitten and he would always go into my closet where I keep all my pieces and just smell and lick them, so when me and one of my friends where smoking he got on the table and kept sticking his face in my bong, and my friend was like dude... what the hell is your cat doing. I just said he wants to get high man So we took a plastic bottle and cut the bottom out and put our mouth up to the top part and he stuck his face in the bottom and we blew him like 10 shotguns... he just layed on his back and kept moving his hands around like he was playing with something invisible.

Oh his name is young budah, my friends and I either call him Bud, young b, and sid

Now he smokes with me pretty much everyday, and he has been for about 4 years, its pretty awesome, because in the rare occasions when I smoke alone, I always have him to chill with haha