My dog ate my plant can it recover?


New Member
So I just woke up in the middle of the night cause I had a weird feeling, well my dog was up walking around and so I decided to look at my plants. To my dismay my dog had eaten some of the leaves off my plant I just want to know if I can still save the plant? Here is what they look like. can someone please tell me if I have to start over or if I can save them?



Active Member
the one in the glass jar, no. simply because of the fact it is in a glass jar. Set up for failure from the get go. sorry. Need to be able to drain the water and light is not good for the roots.

the other one, touch and go. plants are amazing, probably be slow asf to get back to being healthy. put it to the side, let it do its thing. start some more and keep ya dog away haha


New Member
Okay thank you, I had gotten them both from a friend of mine. So I had no clue what I was getting into, he couldn't take care of them himself.