my defoliated vs non defoliated... pictures inside.

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PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You clearly need to brush up on your reading comprehension. I did not defend the article. I only clarified what the site actually said. Fact. All I did was correct misinformation. That is very different than defending the theory. Perhaps you need more school.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I agree with some of your analysis, but some of what I said is tried and true. The plant with the least amount of fan leaves produced the least amount of bud activity, period. You can slice it, dice it, and disagree with it, but that's what happened between these 2 plants. Even if I grew clones side by side, I would still have separate challenges that could alter 1 of the plants, making the test a faulted one. No two plants are the exact same, and no two grows are the exact same.

On the first grow and the plant I had to hack, the only 2 things I did was top her and remove the lower fan leaves. The top took off 12", leaving 4', then I took the lower 2' of fan leaves off because they wouldn't receive any light as my closet was crowded. The entire canopy was bathed in light after the cut, and was virtually unaffected by the trimming I did. She then went on to flower for another 5 weeks, and the bud sizes that were left on this cut plant were no different than the bud sizes I had on the my current grow.

So, my post was not meaningless, and if you want, I'll pick apart your side by side clone test, and I promise, I will find problems and reasons why your test was not accurate and that your statement, "unless you do a side by side test of a cloned strain the results will ALWAYS be meaningless" is bullshit.
I did a side by side test for myself already. I've already posted pics. In my case yield was the same with no defoliation as it was with moderate defoliation. Those are my results. That's not to say I support defoliation in every case so please don't put words in my mouth like others seem to do.


Active Member
So, my post was not meaningless, and if you want, I'll pick apart your side by side clone test, and I promise, I will find problems and reasons why your test was not accurate and that your statement, "unless you do a side by side test of a cloned strain the results will ALWAYS be meaningless" is bullshit.
Right now I'm growing a mother right next to her own clone. The mother is the queen of defoliation in veg. Now granted I never defoliated in flower, but guess which one started off first and more robust and currently fuller and healthier? Yep my results will also get the meaningless tag.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
He is trying to goad you into reacting to his insulting dribble so he can go run to a modd and cry and stomp his feet. It's what happened in the other thread because they were hopping to ban opposing views, but it backfired. Now the same tactic is being used here. I mean it's not really normal to argue that kool aid is nothing like flavored water......but with trolls it is. Think about how derailed threads get when they enter in.
I guess you got it all figured out already so trying to have a conversation with you seems fairly pointless.


Active Member
LOL, let me take you back to grade school.. Here let me educate you once again..

Definition of DEFEND

transitive verb


a : to drive danger or attack away from
b (1) : to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism <defend a theory> (2) : to prove (as a doctoral thesis) valid by answering questions in an oral exam
c : to attempt to prevent an opponent from scoring at <elects to defend the south goal>

here is a multiple choice for you... let me make it easy for ya... and you are under.... B)

Winner winner illiterate b3an3r

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Right now I'm growing a mother right next to her own clone. The mother is the queen of defoliation in veg. Now granted I never defoliated in flower, but guess which one started off first and more robust and currently fuller and healthier? Yep my results will also get the meaningless tag.
you're comparing a mother to a clone?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
LOL, let me take you back to grade school.. Here let me educate you once again..

Definition of DEFEND

transitive verb


a : to drive danger or attack away from
b (1) : to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism <defend a theory> (2) : to prove (as a doctoral thesis) valid by answering questions in an oral exam
c : to attempt to prevent an opponent from scoring at <elects to defend the south goal>

here is a multiple choice for you... let me make it easy for ya... and you are under.... B)

Winner winner illiterate b3an3r
again, I didn't support the theory. All I did was clarify that the article didn't mention kool aid. Why is that so confusing to you? Again, reading comprehension is key.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You mean your not??

Your right dude, not fair because the mother was routinely abused. it.
um, no. When I do side by side tests I use clones taken from the same mother at the same time. That's how you get controlled results.


Active Member
again, I didn't support the theory. All I did was clarify that the article didn't mention kool aid. Why is that so confusing to you? Again, reading comprehension is key.
Lol once again, i would have to differ and say is the interpretation/manipulation of your terminology and personal ideologies.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
I did a side by side test for myself already. I've already posted pics. In my case yield was the same with no defoliation as it was with moderate defoliation. Those are my results. That's not to say I support defoliation in every case so please don't put words in my mouth like others seem to do.
You said, "Unless you do a side by side test of a cloned strain the results will ALWAYS be meaningless". This isn't putting words in your mouth because that's what YOU SAID. Again, what you said is bullshit!!!


Active Member
um, no. When I do side by side tests I use clones taken from the same mother at the same time. That's how you get controlled results.
Mother and all its clones are clones dude. And who said I did this as a test?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Lol once again, i would have to differ and say is the interpretation/manipulation of your terminology and personal ideologies.
I'm sorry you misunderstood so let me clarify: no I don't support flavoring weed. In fact I already said this previously in this thread. I hope this eliminates your confusion.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You said, "Unless you do a side by side test of a cloned strain the results will ALWAYS be meaningless". This isn't putting words in your mouth because that's what YOU SAID. Again, what you said is bullshit!!!
Yes I did say that. I don't understand your point however.


Active Member
I'm sorry you misunderstood so let me clarify: no I don't support flavoring weed. In fact I already said this previously in this thread. I hope this eliminates your confusion.
Lol, let me clarify if you misunderstood... In fact you repetitively continue mixing your ideologies with the wrong terminology and this behavior has been noted in other threads as well... please focus on the matter being argued... which is you defending/"clarifying" my sarcasm about an article. Please google sarcasm and catch up with behavioural tendencies in a society.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Lol, let me clarify if you misunderstood... In fact you repetitively continue mixing your ideologies with the wrong terminology and this behavior has been noted in other threads as well... please focus on the matter being argued... which is you defending/"clarifying" my sarcasm about an article. Please google sarcasm and catch up with behavioural tendencies in a society.
why do you even waste your time posting gibberish like that?


Active Member
I'm only saying that they're in different situations so it's not a fair comparison.
You mean because I defoliated the mother for so long, or because the mother had a head start/longer time to veg? I can assure you their heights and general stature were similar like any other clone pair when sent to flower.

But then I also have other starlings growing with them. That probably equally makes my observations meaningless.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You mean because I defoliated the mother for so long, or because the mother had a head start/longer time to veg? I can assure you their heights and general stature were similar like any other clone pair when sent to flower.

But then I also have other starlings growing with them. That probably equally makes my observations meaningless.
I don't know your specific situation but likely different container sizes, different ages, different nutes, different ambient temps growing up, different root masses, etc.. You get my point don't you?
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