my cheap ass grow

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
I've got a 60-100x hand microscope but I can't see the difference between milky and clear.they all seem clear with some that looks milky and there are still some new ones popping up

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Looks nice,I tried to get mine to grow more tops but it didn't work out.had one work great but it was male.I have to keep anything I do secret and small and i haven't had any luck thus far but if I can find some lights that I can keep in a small cabinet without making it an oven and get me some good seeds but then my whole apartment will smell and carbon filter and fan are kind of a pain in a small cabinet but I think I'm getting it figured out....I think


Well-Known Member
Of course I'd love as much as I could get from these.I just don't want to let them go too long.but only the pistils on the very top tip are browning up.the rest are still white with some having tips that are I guess I'll ride out a couple more weeks and see what happens.I really need to get going on a new grow with more room,better lights and good seeds.
The pistols on top could be browning up from the heat, not necessarily from maturity. If only the tops are brown but your lower budsites have all white pistols I'd rely on the trichs rather than watching the pistols. The calyxes will really bulk up / swell almost like there's a seed in them when they're maturing. From what I've seen on here pistols are actually one of the worst indicators for maturity.

And take anything mainliner says with a grain of salt. He's full of shit. Just killing time posting a couple hundred posts a day on here with no relevancy to anything.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
The pistols on top could be browning up from the heat, not necessarily from maturity. If only the tops are brown but your lower budsites have all white pistols I'd rely on the trichs rather than watching the pistols. The calyxes will really bulk up / swell almost like there's a seed in them when they're maturing. From what I've seen on here pistols are actually one of the worst indicators for maturity.

And take anything mainliner says with a grain of salt. He's full of shit. Just killing time posting a couple hundred posts a day on here with no relevancy to anything.
That's what I was thinking but they aren't really close enough to get that hot.I mean they are close to the lights but the lights stay cool but I guess the pistils are very sensitive but yea its just the very top.everything else under the top layer are still white and sticking out all over the place.I had a gut feeling that I was just getting antsy but Im gonna ride it out at least another week or 2. Today starts week 6 of 12/12.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Today is day 40 of 12/12 and on one of my girls I noticed a few of the pistils are starting to brown about half way down the pistil and some are starting to swell up some.the other one is still mostly still white with some tips starting to hopefully they'll start plumping up and I can harvest soon.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Today starts week 7,all is looking good.starting to see some swelling and one of them has some color changing on one of the buds.can't wait to harvest.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Got my new cabinet today and got it lined with mylar.I'm going to take one of the shelves that came with it and cut out a big portion of the middle of it and make some holes and string some twine across and make my own scrog net that can be removed and replaced.going to be using an led panel as soon as I find which one I'm going to buy.can't wait to get it going.


part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Intresting grow man :) sub'd
Thanks,should be chopping the first one down in a week or so.the other still looks like its got a bit longer.then im gonna start finishing the new cabinet build.still debating on which led panel i run is gonna be a femenized seed(still need to pick a strain) and scrog.