My Balcony Garden


New Member

I stared with cannabis and the gateway effect led me to harder stuff.....namely veggies and herbs.

I started a garden on my balcony this year to provide cover and camouflage for some cannabis I also plan on growing out there. It is a risky operation, as I live in a 2nd story apartment and my apartment manager parks 20 feet away. I also have neighbors 10 feet above and below. You ca follow it from the start if you are interested, the thread is called 'A very risky grow' and is here:

In any case, I have already planted and have growing:

Thai Basil
Parsley-----------> herbs to help conceal smell of cannabis
Lavender----------> also to help conceal smell and line of vision

as well as

Black Eyed Susans
California Poppies-------->for visual distraction
Silver Queen Corn
Juliet Tomatos
Sweet Walla Walla Onions
Connecticut Field Pumpkins------->Cause I want some damn veggies!

and my favorite....

Nepeta Cataria (catnip)-------->so my cats can get high too

If anyone else wants to pass along suggestions for fragrant plants or whatnot, I always appreciate them.

I am not a great gardener besides cannabis, so any tips/insight are always appreciated. I will also answer any questions the best I can if you have any.

Without further ado, some pictures:



Active Member
looks good! I also grow a vegetable garden to provide cover for my cannabis, i hope it turns out well for you.


Active Member
If you can find a small meyer lemonn bush, the flowers are very stinky (good stinky!). Plus if you take good care of it you'll get some really tasty fruit!! Good luck on your grow :)


Active Member
Star jasmine is REALLY fragrant when it flowers-- it's a vine. Meyer's Lemon's are good, Kaffir's lime trees have a lime smell. Mint and lavender are also really fragrant. Good luck with the black-eyed susan-- I had some of that growing in the side of my greenhouse last season and it covered the entire side of it and choked out some of my other plants. Makes for great cover and looks nice, but constantly has to be trimmed back.