My babies need help please!!


I am a virgin grower and need help. I started off growing just with the help of several online sites and have done quite well. Recently, The speed of growth of my plants has slowed down A LOT! I am currently about 5 weeks in since i germinated the seeds and they started growing. At first they were going very fast and now barely seem to be growing.

Also, the biggest of my babies seems to have a problem. The bottom leaves are turning very light yellow with dark brown spots near the middle. You should be able to see in the pictures I will post.

They are all Blue Skunk, which i think is also called Mr. Blue because its a blueberry skunk cross. I germinated them and then planted them and they all grew out of the soil in about 1-2 days. Now its been 5 weeks and I feel like there has been very little progress. Please, if anyone has suggestion, helps or comments please let me know. Thank you.

Btw, i have recently used miracle grow but, only very little as they are very young. However, I always have had this problem of the lower leaves becoming light yellow with brown spots and its definately not from the nuts. I have been watering consistently to ensure the soil is moist. I also have a air filter/fan blowing on them constantly. I keep the light on 24 hours, and sometimes turn it off for about 6 hours every other day or so. The light is 150 watts.



Active Member
u dont want the soil always wet..ur roots are probably rottin from it bein so wet all the time! I dont understand why people use light bulbs! go to the store and buy a florecent like the ones thats hang in garages! and put that like an inch away!


Well I figured they should get more water than not enough since hydro grows use only water but, Ill ease up on the watering if thats what you suggest. The light is a CFL.. I think it was 100watts=170watts or somthing like that and I made sure it was cool white light, not soft white.


Active Member
I think u need to learn a little more about growing then try again! At 5 weeks old they should be like 2ft tall! sorry man! and good luck next time!


Well-Known Member
First off what kind of soil are you using that makes a big diffrence. also like the guy said in the previous post if your soils allways wet you will get root rot. you need to let the soil suck up so that your roots stretch and you get a nice root system. also I would have them in nothing bigger than a 1 gallon untill you establish a good root system. go to wal mart and get a 4 foot florescent. make sure you get the aquarium bulbs. its like 25 bucks all together. hang it up like 6 inches or closer to your plants. do that and dont water them they wont start growing quick untill that soil sucks up


ok thanks a lot guys.. i am using organic soil for vegetables i am pretty sure it was good. Im definately gonna go get a nice fluorescent light from walmart then and hopefully they will shoot up! Is it more important to worry about the soil getting too dry or wet? I find it difficult to find a medium.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks a lot guys.. i am using organic soil for vegetables i am pretty sure it was good. Im definately gonna go get a nice fluorescent light from walmart then and hopefully they will shoot up! Is it more important to worry about the soil getting too dry or wet? I find it difficult to find a medium.
you want to let your soil get dry to the point that your pot gets really lite or your plant starts to limp. never ever keep it wet thats the worst thing you can do


Well-Known Member
you want to let your soil get dry to the point that your pot gets really lite or your plant starts to limp. never ever keep it wet thats the worst thing you can do
also the wal mart light works really well for veg. but you will have to get a hps to flower if you want to do well. dont forget you have to get the aquarium bulbs there at wal mart as well there in a purple box


Active Member
yea man you need a lot more light and it needs to be way way closer! the reason why that one is growing so tall like that is cuz it's in search of the light, your objective is to keep them as low to the soil and bushy as possible and also only water it when u can stick your finger up to your first knuckle and its dry, other wise your over watering and lastly stay away from nutes untill there older hope this helps bud


Well-Known Member
The problem is a lot of different things that light is trash & is up too high the soil is too wet and if you are going to do it.... do it right!!!! To grow good weed you are going to need to invest money in it. Start over from scratch those plants are done Do some more research and be able to invest at least 500 bucks


Active Member
Hey brother don't let some of the posts get you down, it's good adice but don't give up, you have the base knowledge you need and you're gaining experience.

If that light is a 100 watt cfl then you have enough to veg them imho, you can get more cfl and you would have enough to flower your first hobby grow.

Here's what I would do in your position without investing a lot of money (you might not have the cash to get a hid light, if you do get one by all means) lower that light towards the canopy of your ladies, don't water as often and let the top level of soil dry out some. Your organic vegetable potting soil sounds good but it may not have many nutes in it. I believe you actually need a light feeding from the look of that one plant. Give them a 1/3 strength dose of the miracle grow if that's all you have (if you have extra money you can get some quality nutes later)

Also man again don't give up, your plants are not trashed they are just hungry for light and food at this point, I'll help you through this and I bet your babies will be on there way to vigorous growth and eventually some nice buds.

Now also go and buy another cfl when you get a chance, if you have a home depot nearby look for the 23 or 26 watt cfl's they are a good deal. Get one that has 6400 kelvin rating or 3500 will work good too for veg, if all else fails and all you can find is the soft white 2700 k ones get those they work good for flower.

Now that I look at your light it looks to be like a 5000 or 6500 k cfl because of it's blueish color, that's good for veg growth but I'm not sure that it actually 100 watts itself, I think it's actually a 23 watt which is a 100 watt equivilent so drop that sucker down way lower and get another one like I said. Get me posted on how this advice works out, I see a lot of potential is these blue skunks, peace.


Active Member
Btw, that is def not 150 Watt CFL. It would be much larger and typically you don't find them in spirals at that size. I used a 125 Watt in the past and it was way bigger. Also, I think youare running into the common mistake first time CFL growers have is that you are reading the equivalent wattage value to an incandescent light. That really serves no purpose to you and your "150 Watt" light is most likely about "30 Watts (at best)" which is really not sufficient to grow all 5 of those plants with, it would really only just about get one through the veg cycle. And use seperate pots per plant, makes life easier for them as they are not fighting for water/nutes.

One thing that I know many many people say, and indeed was said to me(when I used CFL lights), use a 250Watt HPS instead. I, along with many, spent a fair bit on CFL lights, only to realise that it will never perform as well as the same wattage version of an HPS/MH bulb. They not expensive - £60 Bulb, ballast and reflector-