my 3 plants

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
thanks mate.i used bio boost last time and its so expensive wanted 2 see wot other products there much is big bud?i live in uk the bio boost cost 25 quid!!!


Well-Known Member
Paid 35 for Big Bud powder (130 grams) and 40 for 1 Liter of Overdrive. That's in Canadian dollars if you want to do the conversion.

You'd buy Big Bud before getting any Overdrive.

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
the 1 in the middle is trainwreck i flowered after 2 and a bit weeks,stretched so much durin flower.the rhino on the right i vegged for 4 weeks and the trainwreck over took it.dont no wot happened 2 the cheese,real bushy tho!!!both are frostin up nicely smellin already missus is moaning lol


Well-Known Member
Those look like some big plants for just a 400W bulb... nice.

When I just had a 400W I tried to keep them under 2 feet... I guess that is easier to do with clones than it is from seed!

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
cheers mate.yea i flowered the cheese,trainwreck wen they were fairly small just coz i wanted them done b4 xmas.but im suprised how much the trainwreck has it just the strains genetics?will it still keep growin even tho im 4 weeks in? i grew the church last time and topped just b4 flower got 2 big colas and was prob bigger than wot im growin now!wen u do u normally harvest ur plants?also i have some rusty leaf tips and yellowin of lower leaves on the rhino which is worrying me maybe im feeding them 2 much?im usin bio flores and vitalink buddy which is a top uk plant nutrients company.sorry 4 all the questions this is my second grow.


Well-Known Member
cheers mate.yea i flowered the cheese,trainwreck wen they were fairly small just coz i wanted them done b4 xmas.but im suprised how much the trainwreck has it just the strains genetics?will it still keep growin even tho im 4 weeks in? i grew the church last time and topped just b4 flower got 2 big colas and was prob bigger than wot im growin now!wen u do u normally harvest ur plants?also i have some rusty leaf tips and yellowin of lower leaves on the rhino which is worrying me maybe im feeding them 2 much?im usin bio flores and vitalink buddy which is a top uk plant nutrients company.sorry 4 all the questions this is my second grow.
Everyone's got questions, no worries. Sorry but I don't have answers to most of your questions. I do believe that the height MJ plants is more genetic than enviromental.... also after 4 weeks of flowering I'd think that they wouldn't get too much taller... that what would also depend on the strain.

What do you mean "when do I harvest my plants"? "When they are done" I'm sure is not the answer you are looking for.

I can't speak to your plant leaf issue.


Well-Known Member
thanks i meant wen do u harvest urs,50% amber or 75%
Oh, I haven't got it down to a science yet... when it looks ready, stops getting bigger and the hairs start dieing back/turning brown. I do look at the tricromes, but I usually don't go by that alone... yet anyways...

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
how do people think there doin,will be 4 weeks monday under a 400w hps
i have some yellowin on the lower leaves of the rhino and trainwreck.cud it be nute burn or just coz the lite isnt reachin the leaves?how my plants doin 4 this stage?



Well-Known Member
has any1 used pk 13/14 is that a ggod product i cud use?
Firstly, sorry to say this on your journal , but this new web server is doing ma noggin in...every page displays differently......Anyway, just wanted to say after reading the last few pages about your request for a bloom booster, I use Bio Nova PK 13+14, and it's the nuts geez. If I was to compare the results I got without using it....lets just say, White Xmas would describe your buds after using it, Soggy and wet Crimbo without it. Very good I thought.Good luck with the grow and hope Mr Claus brings in some good green for ya.Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
i have some yellowin on the lower leaves of the rhino and trainwreck.cud it be nute burn or just coz the lite isnt reachin the leaves?how my plants doin 4 this stage?
I don't think it's because light is not reaching your leaves, it's because your plants are going through their process of aging (IMHO) A lot of peaple get worried when their fan leaves start doing this, when they get over 50-75% past doing any good (or are practically falling off) just get rid of them. By 8-9 weeks a lot of your leaves will look cabbaged (or mine always do...) As long as they are still takin gup water, buds are developing then you should be right....good luck RIU bru

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
thanks im usin vitalink buddy at mo.thgt it was maybe 2 strong and it was burning well they doin for 4 weeks?