My #2 grow, lets make shit legit this time

I am in the planning stages of my second grow, and I will be sure to make it my main priority to do things RIGHT this time, instead of ending up with less than a half oz. per plant at the end of everything.

I plan on growing no more than 3 or 4 girls in my relatively small closet, due to the fact that my room is the only place certain to be free of any intruders. I do not have closet doors, so I am going to purchase a few large plywood boards, painted white, to seal off the space from any outside air, light, temp, etc.

I am going to rip out the carpeting, then line the floor with some type of white vinyl sheet, just to keep everything looking nice and tidy.

I won't be able to run an exhaust system through my room and out my window, so I think I will have to make do with a few fans and simply opening the grow room up to refresh the air inside. Would this be sufficient?

For my lighting I plan on purchasing a used 400w HPS, finances are currently tight. I will also throw a couple of blue-ish spectrum CFLs into the mix.

For nutrients I purchased some soil tabs from nirvana shop. Has anyone had any experience with these? I also plan on buying more nutes when flowering comes...

I doubt anyone will take the time to read all this bullshit, but if you have, feedback, comments, advice, suggestions, what have you, would be extremely appreciated.

..time to go twist one up :joint:
I realize, btw, that an exhaust system is a huge step in a grow room setup, but it's simply an impossibility for me. How could I adequately vent the room?


Active Member
build a half ass exhaust system that will at least push the air from lets say the grow box to your room at least, even if not to a window you gotta suck that heat outta da box


Active Member
oh and if smell is a worrying problem well that's were you stick that carbon can in right before the air reaches your room



I currently have 6 NL in a 1m squared bud box. They are under a 600 HPS wiith a fan on them during light hours for circulation and stem improvement. I also Open the top of my tent and have had no problems with heat, so you should be fine. Keep things simple and keep your eye on temps!