My 1st Trip to "White Castle" aka 1st Grow

Kevin A

Active Member
Sorry guys for not being on. I got fired from work and have been down and depressed. Ive still been taking care of my plants and there doing really good. I transplanted them to a bigger container yesterday. Everything want smooth. Im gonna go take some pics now and have them up asap! Thanks everybody for checking in.


Active Member
Sorry guys for not being on. I got fired from work and have been down and depressed. Ive still been taking care of my plants and there doing really good. I transplanted them to a bigger container yesterday. Everything want smooth. Im gonna go take some pics now and have them up asap! Thanks everybody for checking in.
Hey man keep your head up, I am also unemployed, we'll bounce back. I got fired a couple of months ago and am even fighting a denial of my unemployment, but I'm still hanging in there and know at the end it's gonna work out.

Let's see your girls :D

Kevin A

Active Member
Hey man keep your head up, I am also unemployed, we'll bounce back. I got fired a couple of months ago and am even fighting a denial of my unemployment, but I'm still hanging in there and know at the end it's gonna work out.

Let's see your girls :D
Im not even gonna try for unemployment, I know I fucked up and wont even get it. So I dunno. Im keeping my head up but its hard to find a decent job around here. Im so fucking tired of fast food, I DONT want to go back to that. but i gotta do what i gotta do to keep my family fed

Kevin A

Active Member
Looking good man! Loving the deep green on those fat leaves! They look like they should treat you nicely :)
Thanks, I still have to top a few of them and get some clones. I originally planned on flowering them after I came back from Orlando(June 4th) but im still not to happy with there size as of right now. I also need to start looking for a way to control the odor on a low budget.

Kevin A

Active Member
So Here are the clones I cut from my plants yesterday. Any question, ask? Any "cheap ideas", shoot em my way. Remember I'm unemployed now, gotta be easy with my money now.

grow 004.jpggrow 005.jpg


Active Member
remember not to disturb them.... dont go checking if there are roots.... wait a week or two.........

Kevin A

Active Member
I decided to LST today. I'm going on Vacation to Orlando for 9 days. I've already tested my plants to see how long they can go without watering.....roughly 10 days. I'm gonna try not to stress about my plants while i'm in Orlando. I LST'ed them to prevent them from growing into my lights. The light is about 8 or 9 inches away, im expecting them to stretch for that light but HEY, I dont want them growing into the light. I'd rather see stretched plants then bleached plants. ummmmm...... White Castle has not given me any problems at all in this grow. I've basically have sat back and just watered them when they need it and move the lights up when needed. I haven't even feed them nutes in weeks!! Seems like every time I fed them some nutes I would burn em, and I was giving them 1/4 strength from what the label said. So I kinda said Fuck nutes for now. I'll prob start feeding them the nutes after vacation. I'll start with 1/8 the suggested amount. Well for those who have been following my grow I just wanna say Thanks for hanging in there. I kinda been M.I.A to RIU but i've just been so out of touch with everybody since I lost my job BUT good news, after I come back from Orlando, I'll start my new job!! and its not FAST FOOD!! I'm so happy im not in FF now more. WORST JOB EVER IS A FAST FOOD JOB!!!!! Well heres the updated pics of Day 60!!Day 60c.jpgDay 60.jpgDay 60b.jpgDay 60a.jpg


Active Member
nice ! i hope you wont have probs when youre gone ! it be fun to create a city for RIU... like only rollitup people in that city/town.... your neighbor could come over and see your grow,you could see peoples grows and when you leave for vacation you could get a budsitter XD
hope your new job goes well !!!

Mort Fink

New Member
Day 12: Everything seems to be ok today. No Problems to report. I started a little LST today. I have a feeling that someone is gonna say its to early, but I think my biggest plant, which I have just named Bob, is ready for a little low stress training. I really want short and bushy plants..

Pics Tomorrow.
Don't name her Bob that's a boys name.