My 1st indoor grow using hydroponics & Autoflowering strains


I'm using a Mini Cool Cab, it has fogger and they screwed up and forgot to ship the CO2, which was fine by me seeing how they had planed on sending a Boost bucket instead of a real injection kit which is now coming. I did things a little different, I started my seeds with a ppm of 260 running the humidity at 55% the temp is about 89% started seeds in starter plugs instead if paper towels. I know the pic's do not show it, but planted 4 Autos called Heavywieght Shooting Star, it' now day five and all 4 sprouted. I be ordered some AK47, New York Diesel and Barney's LSD today. Well after trying to upload a photo for 30 min from my iPhone to no avail, I give up. If someone will please explain how to do this, until then no pic's
and this is over before it begain. I guess without Adobe 10 this can not be done from an iPhone, I downloaded there iPhone app call myself reading this help forum and pocketbucket help forums. Any ideas?



Well now I'm a total of 20 days into this. I had a hard time germinating the LowBoldt, Barney's LSD the AK47 are up and should look like these in two weeks. I've kept the PH between 5.8 & 6.2 I've been using the Moon Dust they sent with this and give the plants a good misting right before they go to bed for 4hrs. I just wish the seedlings would get on with it. If nothing else, I've learned to get them all germinated prior to doing a grow and not to try more the six in this system.



Well I'm coming up on 30 days, I have one plant the one in back of photo that is a lot lighter green than the rest. They are all getting same amount of nutes, light, ect. It just don't seem as robust as the other they were HeavyWieght Shooting Star. I'm using 400 watt hps 20/04 Moon Dust which came with unit. I clean out resivior every 10 days. I did bump PPM up to around 1160 that seems to have stunted growth. They seemed to do best around 800 to 900 PPM. These are suppose to be Auto Flowering and thought they would be flowering by now seeing how they said 60 Days seed to finish.

Any ideas??


Active Member
atleast your girls are nice and low, bushy too. I never heard of Shooting Star Heavy weight. But I think from most my research and experience that any good autoflower is going to take upwards of 70+ days til harvest. seems best to add another week or two onto the breeders info.

looking good though. did you get that heat stress/overwatering problem in check yet?

im adding new pics tonight, when is the next round of picks for you?

I think id plan on atleast another 40 days from the 30 days mark with those bad girls.

oh yea I also heard from alot of people there is never a reason to feed above 900 ppm. Its overkill.

you might have to back off the lights to 18/6 or 16/8 and start your bloom nutes to force flower if it doesnt by week 5 or 6. that will help if you have a heat problem too.


ganja.gomer, got the heat problem fixed. Simple really, I just put an 6" elbow for venting in the exsaust for the Cool Tube they use on the Mini Cool Cabs and pointed it up. This has the temp at 81.5 with no air conditioning on with the RH at 50%. I switched to 18/06 two days ago, trimmed off most of the damage. I did borrow my neighbors air stone the day you guys recommended and ordered one of those made by DWC that is shaped like an H, they are 5.5" long and 29.00 USD plus shipping 43.00 total. At this point I'm worried about space. These were seeds 37 days ago, there's 2 AK47's and one Barney's LSD that finally looks like it's going to take off, I'm going to hate loosing those. I'll loose 2 forsure, any ideas? I have 5 LowBoldt seeds, 3 more AK47's and 2 others. Truth be known, this system is not going to handle anymore than 6 and that's pushing it. Here are

One other thing, the roots are about 10" long and this thing is using over a gallon of water per day, is his normal?


Active Member
not to burst your bubble but it looks like you may only have space for a max of 3 mature plants, especially if they are 12/12 strains. the reason I say this is because in an over crowded setup they will not only compete for nutrients and energy, but they will completely cover 65% of the plant from light it needs on its lower branches and nodes for developement. what you are left with is a bunch of nice buds on the tops, but shitty all underneth. sometime less is better, you can get a better yield from less plants with more focus on the ones you have.

either way, dont look at it like a bad thing, you still have more than you know what to do with. save the seeds you got for another time if you can. although I would like to try out some of the lowbolt. I just ordered some delicious seeds il diavolo automatica. ill try out 3 and see what happens. I saw a few other journals and they look impressive. coffee/chocolate undertones.... hmmmm.


No shit do that search. There up to the Cool Tube and haven't budded. Hell I'll force this week late if they do not respond to the 16/08 and HSP! I just hate to screw up my 2 AK47's and LSD or Lowboldt, whatever it turns out to be.


Ganja.gomer, here's a close up after I've backed off the lighting for the last 4 days. I've gone from 20/04 to 16/08 it may be starting to flower. If it is, it just started you tell me:



Active Member
those are preflowers :)

when are you going to switch it to 12/12?

sometimes the plant doubles or triples their size during flowering


Spoke to Herbies, he said on my next order to remind him and I can have 5 of my choice which will be LowRyder #2 which was nice of them. He said take to 12/12 now. So how much longer do you think before it flowers? I took the front left one and put it in my nieghbors system. I have to take off for my friends visitation so I'll be out of pocket for 6 hrs forsure. Thanks and let me know.


I've been at 12/12 since 2 nights ago I also added some BushMaster to keep them from getting any taller. I have never done any of this before. This is what I had 2 days ago:



This is after adding BushMaster and moving one plant, I think I'll be moving one more large plant to allow my other two strains room to make it. Even if it does double in size I should be ok. Worst case I'll have to LST the other two or could top them, but that's the last thing I can do. Anyway this is what I now have:

The only question and this is to someone who really knows, I have pre flowering going on, how much longer before they start showing flowers? They been at 12/12 for 2 nights now.


Active Member
7 to 14 days for the real deal flowers.

careful careful with the bushmaster! that stuff has killed as many crops as its helped. and there is something in it related to the development of early Alzheimer's disease.

the bushmaster works well though. ive heard to cuts a week or so off the total flowering time because it reduces the stretch during flowering. you might be working with a sea of green by time your done! :)

looking really good, keep it up. i think your girls are going to reward you for all that love your giving



Thanks for the info. I know this is way different from an outside grow plus no ticks or cickers either. Thanks for reply, have you put up any new photo's in your journal? Alzheimer's disease runs in my family, I hate to here that. I watched my mother fade away to nothing for 10 years! I do not want any of that crap! Thanks for heads up. They should put some info on bottle about that.


This has been a disappointing grow, with the plants not autoflowering. This was started on 09/10/2010, after running my lights at 12/12 for 5 days now they're finally are starting to flower. This was good in one way, I'll have more bud. The bad thing is that my AK 47's and the LSD will not amount to anything. I've learned alot, but was disappointed in the way this will turn out. This is fro tonight:

One thing I've learned is never buy a strain that has not been proven alot. Atleast I'm being refunded on these. I'll be doing a LowRyder #2, EasyRyder and I've decided to try some MI5 on my next grow. I'll be glad to be done with this one.


Active Member
hey man dont be disapointed, those girls look awesome. it might take more time but see the whole thing through, you are going to be blessed at the end.

so what if they dont autoflower, youve got everything going good and theyre flowering now. dontpass finial judgement til you harvest.

keep it up my man, youre doing great so far!

lowryder has been proven so if you stick to the crossed strains of that youll be ok. i got burned by nirvana the same way too.

buddha seeds white and red dwarf are proven, lowryders are proven, short stuff seeds are proven, lowlife seeds are proven... outside of that it could be hit or miss. what i have been doing lately is just looking for grow hournals on the strain i am interested in. so i can see what others have experienced, if i cant find grow journals now i wont buy the strain. it has to be proven or it defeats the point of faster harvest times.

i took a chance with the Il Diavolo automatics, but it was only 30$ for 3 seeds (sent me 5) and if they suck then others will know and benefit from it. if theyre badass, theyll become a regular in my garden.

trust me youll be jumping flips once you see those girls crystal up and the buds get fat. just please go easy on all the nutrients and additives, less is always better!
nice job so far!


I hope you're right, this is my 1st indoor and hydroponic grow. I guess what has me pissed is my 2 AK47's will not be big and this seems to have put a halt to my LSD plant. Yea it's growing, but it's loosing it's squat tight look and growing taller and looser. I just wanted a perfect grow if there's such a thing. Thanks for the compliment.


Here are two new photo's of my plants starting to flower. Just cleaned the tank of all algae and made sure all air stones were working. For some reason the top drip is screwed up, I think the hose where it connects to pump is screwed up. Nothing a little silicone glue will not fix. Anyway here they are:
