My 1st Grow, with pics and a couple ?'s


Well-Known Member
DAY 8:

OK everyone, it's been 8 days since ground break. I added some ice packs to bring my temp down to around 80. I looked EVERYWHERE today for a small fan to put in my box with no success. Finding a fan this time of year is one challenging task! Anyway, the ice packs will work for now. I did find a little wind tower fan. I'll put a picture below...I wonder if this will work? I haven't really seen much growth progress with the plants in the last 3-4 days. Maybe they will take off in their new home. Here are some pictures:

Close up of plants:

Only fan I could find....does anyone have any ideas for/against? Its really short, only about 12" tall.

My plan tomorrow is to make a reflector for my power strip and possibly go pick up this fan. If I don't get this fan, I will find a regular oscillating fan on the internet. It is going to be a pain to have to rotate my ice packs all the time. Thanks for looking!



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, forgot to add that I have been running my exhaust fan 24/7 and the plants are under lights 24/7. I am pretty sure I am supposed to be running the exhaust. Does anyone think the plants might do better on 18/6???

On a side note, if someone is reading this that can move this thread to the grow journal section that would be great! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
From my experience the plants grow more during lights off. Secondly, it's proven plants need a dark period for root development and to turn CO2 into blah blah..

... Put them on 18/6 is my point :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree put your lights on 18/6 ASAP and keep the exhaust going 24/7.and as far as the fan I have one and it work quite well