mutated growth on seedling? pics


This seedling from bag seed has some strange growth going on I think, the 2nd set of serrated leaves one was tiny and now its long and thin nowhere near the other leaf... Its hard to see in the pictures but in the centre of the plant there are 4-5 tiny leaves growing...



Please someone correct me if I am wrong but the 2 bottom most leaves are false leaves and are just there for when the seedling emerges to start producing food for the plant. I have found they drop off once the plant becomes established. your plants look fine to me. give them some time and I am pretty sure they will start looking like good little mullies soon enough.

HeLLa x GoOd

New Member
new2diz is right about the first set of leaves, except they are there to capture the light and use it as energy to grow and later fall off =)... and i wouldn't worry about the deformed look , it will grow itself out. i had some sprouts that didnt even look like marijuana sprouts they were so deformed , but grew into beautiful girls.. keep up the good work..


To those who are interested, the transplant seems to have gone really well so far, loads of new growth and she(?) has straightened out nicely!