mushroom dosing~


Well-Known Member
From what I understand a 10g fresh mushroom will dry to roughly 1 gram... so I was just wondering... that very same mushroom will contain roughly the same amount of active components...wet or dry... correct??? I'm sure there may be some degradation of course...I'm just trying to get a rough idea when I perform a little taste test this week:)


Active Member
Donniemcm - I thought the same thing, about 10% yield after drying. Mine ended at around 6.5% after drying, so that's in the range of what to expect after drying. I found eating them freshly picked is a nice treat. I grew some Z strain and they are tasty, it's a good thing that my shroom grow is slow and sporadic, because I'd munch on them everyday if I had a large hearty crop.


Well-Known Member
Some of the active chemicals are lost when drying, so fresh is a bit more strong that dry. In other words, 10 grams of wet will have more activity than 1 gram dry.


New Member
Just about all the psilocin oxidizes when the mushrooms are dried, leaving just the psilocybin.
With fresh mushrooms you get the psilocin and the psilocybin. (Psilocybin converts to psilocin in the stomach.)

Fresh is a little bit stronger.