Multi problems plz help


I'm Kinda new to this this is my first grow I used bag seeds and they are about 1 1/2 months old and are already starting to show sex is this normal are they auto flowering? they are 24/0 light schedule and also I just noticed something is eating the top leaves I thought they were deformed but now I can see they are deff being eaten any indoor pesticides that will not harm my plants and I can get from home depot or wall-mart? here are my pics.



Well-Known Member
Switch that light schedule like right now. Go 18-6 if your still vegging or 12-12 if you are ready to flower. Order some neem oil and follow the directions for use. How tall is your space and what lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
It's normal, and a good sign of health. When they are growing nicely, they'll show their sex early. Usually after week 4, they start developing tiny preflowers, whether they're on 18/6, 24/0, etc......