MS's newest medical-marijuana bill, S.B.2252


Well-Known Member
I am so overjoyed and relieved at this time to announce that MS Senator Deborah Dawkins has introduced a bill that would make MS the first State in God's Blessed South to have a State-Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Program, unlike the already functioning Federal grow in Oxford, @ Ole Miss, which provides approximately 400 "marijuana cigarettes" to the final FOUR OUT-OF-STATE patients on the Federal Government's "list" of approved marijuana patients... So, thank God we do have some very forward-thinking people in positions of power in the unfairly stereotyped South, who are absolutely for legalization, under a doctor's recommendation, with regulation, fair taxation, and public education, on what I'm sure is the "plant of renown" that God Himself described in Ezekial 34:29-30... Fuck Ripley Tomatos... MS is about to be leading the way for the rest of the Southern U.S. in our "collective", pun-intended, fight to have our over-proven, safer-alternative medicine brought out of the unfair light it has been shrouded in for waaay too long, and brought into the light of what will be many, many H.I.D. fixtures, and into the hands of a Free People! Free at last, free at last, Thank God Allmighty, it's ALMOST free at last! If you are reading this and are a citizen of MS, please support this bill, as well as the other leaders in this Country-In-Transition, such as Dr. and TX Rep. Ron Paul, TN Senator Steve Cohen, and the others who are out there on the political battlefield, flying our green flag proudly, and pursuing the dream that will NEVER die, the will that will never be broken, and the wishes and desires of a strong-willed, free society, who will NEVER "go quietly into that good night", and will live to see this, most amazing plant of renown, become an accepted and understood commodity like any other, only waaay more useful and awesome... Cheers to the cannabis culture! This is OUR time! Carpe Diem! Join NORML, MPP, and support these organizations that have made what we are experiencing a possibility, and now a probability! Peace! ;-)


Hey Ganja G don't forget to call and e-mail your senator and Representative to pass SB 2252 or it will surly DIE!!! PASS THE WORD!


Well-Known Member
I've personally e-mailed all of the State Senators, Representatives, and Mr. Obama, himself... But, I'm only one man... I'm a union man during the day, and know well the power and strength we have in numbers... Alone and scattered, we will surely fail, but united and together, we can't lose... Itz as simple as that... And with this being the fourth time around for this particular Senator to introduce a bill like this, and the growing numbers of people pulling their heads from their asses, I believe with all my heart that this will pass... Mississippians have the whole issue of the fact that they've been growing G-13 @ Ole Miss for decades now, ALL for out-of-state recipients, who by the way, get only about 300 "marijuana cigarettes", and not the 400 I announced in the previous post... But, instead of the citizens in the State growing it, having an alternative to treat chronic and debilitating pain, and every other symptom that pot either cures completely, or just really fuckin' helps out with, they only have "legal" Schedule II pharmaceuticals to depend on, literally, and itz just bullshit! Why would anyone on highly addictive, opiod-based medications NOT want to have a chance of the same or better relief, and do without the debilitating side effects, like withdrawal symptoms if and when they run out? So, that is why I firmly believe that MS WILL BE the 1st State in the South to open their eyes, and spread the truth about whatz really going on... I can speak from years of experience, being a chronic pain sufferrer myself, and am physically dependant on opiates, and I fucking hate it... I desparately need an alternative that wont kill me... And I know to God I am not alone on this matter, here, there, or anywhere... We all need to pull together as a solidified cannibis-friendly society, and even you guys and gals out there in Cali, who don't have to fight this tyrannical bullshit so much anymore, could even pitch in and help out, by writing, calling, e-mailing, or somehow contacting any and all political "leaders", and help back us up...not to say you aren't if you already are...BUT, we could DEFINATELY use all of the help we can get to push this thing through, once and for all... And once itz passed, I'll start my bitching about the low number of plants, and small amount of "useable" medicine that this bill is saying it would allow! ;-)


Hey All Mississippian's
If your in MS go to this web
and look up the representatives for the senate judiciary A comm in MS. Call them to support SB 2252, they want to hear from you. W. Briggs Hopson 601-359-3237 Chairman/ Terry Burton 601-359-3234 vs chair CALL!!


The only problem with the Judiciary A committee where SB 2252 currently is; it is composed mostly of Republicans so we All really need to pull together and CALL CALL CALL!