Mozambique Poison+LED> Pure Sativa tips needed


This is my first time growing a pure landrace sativa. I haven't found much reading material on Mozambique Poison so anyone thats grown it or another Pure Sativa I'd like some pointers! I'm 1.5 months into veg and everything is going well. i'll start using GH 3 part nutes probably this week at Half strength 1 time a week to start. What i'd like to know is how long I can expect to Veg before I see Calyx development. One of the girls top leaves have started cupping, whats caused this? I think it's a humidity problem maybe? but i'm confused because the other one looks fine.d



Well-Known Member
Hey Awnold - Did you see my Malawi Kessil LED grow? I used the ScrOG method. It worked pretty well with a 90 watt Kessil Magenta. I would like to try a 600 or 1000 HID in my cabinet. I will have some Malawi x MozPoz seeds when the outdoor is done. I might try those indoors over the winter. I might also try some of the TGA gear by Subcool.


Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Well from I can see it looks like you have them in different pots, those air pots lose moisture a lot faster... So have you considered that in your watering schedule?


Yes I put them in different pots to experiment and see if Airpots are really better. I expected them to dry out faster and drain better yes. I'm going to use a different medium next time, maybe coco+perlite instead of soil. They drain too well right now and I suspect i'm getting dry spots. Someone on here gave me the idea to mist the top soil with a spray bottle before I water and that has helped. Definitely not using oceanforest with them again, it doesn't hold moisture in airpots for shit, regular pots it's great. What do you think is causing my top leaves to taco? could it be underwatering due to a dry spot in the soil? or is it a PH thing?


Hey Mo I checked out the malawi grow, nice job! I want them to stay bushy and low, should I top them or supercrop? An issue i'm having with one of the plants is the top leaves are cupping and I haven't had the problem before. Any ideas on the cause, have you seen it before?


Well-Known Member
I was growing a male in my window one time to harvest it for pollen, and it did that same cup thing as your plant. It was defenitly watered enough, it seemed it happen to mine because of the lack of light. When i put it back in the tent to seed the whole room, after a couple days under HPS it straightened right up