Moving to Denver in Feb; School me!!


Active Member
My brother and I are moving to Denver in early February (hardly the easiest time to move, but we can't wait!). I have questions.

What areas should we look at for cheaper rent, younger population, and chill cops as far as meds go? We both (I believe) have eligibility for a patient card so we would be growing 6 in veg and 6 in flower if able to combine our 6 plants per person together.

Anyways, I have had knee surgery and have obvious scarring as well as pain in inclimate weather. This is not a medical history, but once I find a doctor and i'm finally out of my parents place (college grad finally) I will begin that road as i'm able to if it's needed. I also have asthma, which I believe is a legitimate reason to find a doctor willing to listen and suggest a card for me.

My brother has all buy full blow ADD/ADHD so I don't believe he has a problem.

Does medical backed pain and asthma hold in the state of Colorado at the moment? I've read it's fairly lenient, but i'd rather know my grounds before walking on them.

Thanks for anything location help as well as med help.


Active Member
Really? Could have sworn I had read that ADD/HD was, apparently I was wrong. Even with the benefits of meds towards asthma I figured it was as well. Thanks for the heads up, i'll be reading a bit more I guess lol. I know another thread said it was fairly easy to obtain one, but is that generally speaking or are doctors give and take within the Denver proper area?


Well-Known Member
Really? Could have sworn I had read that ADD/HD was, apparently I was wrong. Even with the benefits of meds towards asthma I figured it was as well. Thanks for the heads up, i'll be reading a bit more I guess lol. I know another thread said it was fairly easy to obtain one, but is that generally speaking or are doctors give and take within the Denver proper area?
Marijuana has been proven to relief asthma symptom by dilating the air ways. Now sure how that doesn't fall under "thing that medical marijuana helps with" category. As for ADD/ADHA yes you can get it for that i got my card for ADHA / PTSD.

Worse case scenario move to cali you can get it for having dandruff there :-D


Active Member
lmfao, I want the west, but not the coast. CO seems more like my kind of place than Cali. Good to know about the "other" conditions and how it can help my case as well as my brothers.

Any help on location within the Denver?


Well-Known Member
Marijuana has been proven to relief asthma symptom by dilating the air ways. Now sure how that doesn't fall under "thing that medical marijuana helps with" category. As for ADD/ADHA yes you can get it for that i got my card for ADHA / PTSD.

Worse case scenario move to cali you can get it for having dandruff there :-D
No, you cannot get it for ADD or PTSD, quit giving out misinformation.

Eligible conditions include: AIDS, HIV, cancer, glaucoma, Plus any of the following symptoms that are caused by a chronic or debilitating disease, or the treatment of such disease: cachexia (severe weightloss caused my a medical condition or its treatment), severe pain, severe nausea, seizures, or persistent muscle spasms. Your doctor must believe marijuana will relieve these symptoms.


Active Member
Aside from the MMJ card deal, which I can figure out once arrived and settled, can anyone give information on good areas for college kids that enjoy having friends over but still keeping noise at a respectable level for neighbors? We don't want attention drawn to us, but the last house we stayed in we had neighbors spying on us with military binoculars because we would have 5-10 cars over at any given time of day because we just happened to be the house everyone was comfy at. Any tips on where to look? We kind of want a 3/2 or 4/2 under 1500 if possible. Looking to buy once in a career of sorts and settled. Been putting money for that aside for years now.


Active Member
Marijuana has been proven to relief asthma symptom by dilating the air ways. Now sure how that doesn't fall under "thing that medical marijuana helps with" category. As for ADD/ADHA yes you can get it for that i got my card for ADHA / PTSD.

Worse case scenario move to cali you can get it for having dandruff there :-D

No, you cannot get it for ADD or PTSD, quit giving out misinformation.

Eligible conditions include: AIDS, HIV, cancer, glaucoma, Plus any of the following symptoms that are caused by a chronic or debilitating disease, or the treatment of such disease: cachexia (severe weightloss caused my a medical condition or its treatment), severe pain, severe nausea, seizures, or persistent muscle spasms. Your doctor must believe marijuana will relieve these symptoms.