moving plants


So when I was planting my outdoor crop I found this grassy area that was up over my head when I was walking through they area about 9 feet tall and a dead give away. They are in the ground so not just as easy as moving a pot...I realize ill need to dig a damn big root ball out but I just wanna know is there any point because I'm unsure if they will live. Are there any tips or and sort of nutrients I can use to help the shock of getting dugg up.


Well-Known Member
Tie them girls down with some hemp and call it a day. Come back every so often to tie down some more. It might not get much taller because its in flower. Well it would be where i live.


Unless I can tie down an 8 foot plant to be about 4-5 feet its not an option. The stock is about an inch and a half wide she gets full sun allllll day long


Well-Known Member
Any tips on tying down an 8 foot plant?
Be VERY carefull not to break anything. A major break at the stage the plants are in could be detremental. I wouldn't reccomend it, should of planned things a bit better but I suspose you already know that!
Good luck


Bud Stankalot

Active Member
As I said in your other post, supercrop it down to 5 feet and tie the supercropped branches down so they don't spring back up by the next day. I wouldn't try to lst the whole thing at this point. Good luck.


Active Member
I actually just recently moved 9 of mine on Aug 31, that were between 5-8 feet. I had 100% success and all are flowering beautifully as we speak. All you really need is a large root ball and some root stimulator, (if you feel the need). I did mine one by one, dug around the babe, left a large root ball, lifted them into a clothes basket and carefully replanted them far away. Me and my partner each held a side of the basket and we moved them that way. As luck would have it we had 3 cloudy/drizzly days in a row which helped ease the stress of the plant. They didn't take more than a day to bounce back...