Moving from Outside to Inside?


Ive been growing my plants outside. Because my property is laden with trees, there isnt a place for my plants to enjoy non stop sunlight.
Ive just ordered an indoor system for my plants. Im considering the following options.

A) Moving the plants inside.
B) Cloning and use the clones inside, but leave the mommys outside.

My question is this.
Q) Can i bring my plants indoor and run something like 15 hours light 9 hours dark?


Well-Known Member
i was a little unclear......i meant put outside at dawn.then when the sun goes down bring them inside and put them under your lights all night and then at dawn put them outside again and so on


Well-Known Member
or yeah, u can just switch the plant to 24/0 w/o any problems. i do it my way so i can get all that great direct sunlight and still be able to 24/0 veg in theory it should grow better than either indoor or outdoor plants alone would


or yeah, u can just switch the plant to 24/0 w/o any problems. i do it my way so i can get all that great direct sunlight and still be able to 24/0 veg in theory it should grow better than either indoor or outdoor plants alone would
Ahhh and save on electric. Smart.