Moving clones from indoor to outdoor


Well-Known Member
I'm about to move some og kush clones from indoor to outdoor. They are approx 18 inches tall and very healthy ,vegging under t'5's 18/6.

Are there any adjustments I should make before moving them outdoors? Should I put them out in darkness or light? If I put them out in light,should I start them off in the shade?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.thanks.



Well-Known Member
You need to "harden off".

Put them in a mostly shaded place away from moderate to strong winds, and do not have them in direct sunlight right away.

If you can bring them in every day, leave them out for a few hours a day for the first week, and each day allow them a little more direct sun than the day before.

Back when I grew small crops outdoors, I'd do this for 7-10 days, then they were fine to transplant outdoors to full sun from their starter pots.



Well-Known Member
Great advice Spec9. I just moved an AK-47 clone out into the AZ sun and light trained it the exact way you just said. One week later and it's already in full sun all the time. We currently have 14 hours of light naturally and I took it out of 24/7 vegetation and it did not start flowering, I was a little worried that it would at first.