Mother Plants from clones


Active Member
If my mother plants outgrow my closet grow box can I simply bud them and just keep clones of them and use those as my new mother plants to take cuttings from?

:joint:little help. haha


Well-Known Member
yeah this is good practice i notice mothers start to lose there vigour after a long time cloning you can still get clones of em but they seem to stop growin as quick after a while.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have heard it not good to keep the same mother for more than a year. So when they get to big or too old do just what you said take a new clone to use as a mother and flower the original for some big buds.


i keep a perpetual going and take new cuttings from every new generation.i take cuttings from a few plants and then flower the plant and grow up the new cutting and repeat havent seen any bad differences in fact they seem more adapted to my set-up