mother plants. Any advice is appreciated!!!


Where should I top these girls for the first time. They will be my mothers for a while and I want to maximize their clone out put (obviously) but keep them small and bushy!!


Well-Known Member
Good question! :D
Hopefully others will chime in
with some answers cause I have
never taken clones from that
young of a plant so as much as I would like too,
I can't help you.
bongsmilie ;-)


Good question! :D
Hopefully others will chime in
with some answers cause I have
never taken clones from that
young of a plant so as much as I would like too,
I can't help you.
bongsmilie ;-)
I would just clone them just to get w/e off of em, its not my main concern here as I am working to fill about 20 clones at a time, so all clones taken until then I'll just be using as a few extra grams of bud on the side lol. What I guess my main concern is, how far down should I go to get a good start for keeping her well manicured.


Well-Known Member
You could top it around the height of the cup next to it in first pic IF it has healthy roots. And yes, you can use the top as a cutting and root it.


Well-Known Member
If you want like 10-12 similar clones of it asap, bend it over so it becomes horizontal and top only the top node.


Well-Known Member
You want to top them to keep them small and bushy. In order to do that you find the leaves that are the highest, and cut them off. That causes the plant to redistribute auxins, and grow wide instead of tall. I would wait a few more weeks, so you can clone what you cut, and the plant will be more established. The shock to the plant in a few weeks will be less than if you smacked her around today. You'll have some other new growth to take other clones from and you could start training her how you want her to grow.
You could just bend the top growth until you feel a crunch. That would be a shock to the plant but would bush her out the same as topping her. There would be more leaves soaking up light to help her recover.