

Well-Known Member
Shit happens. What happened to you while zonked?

I just finished a twisty and strolled real cool like into Sbarros. They got all this buffet type shit out ( spaghetti, meatballs, eggplant, etc) and they also had these fucking trays with bottles of wine mineral water the whole nine yards. So I'm checking the food and this fine female gives me a glance and smiles, so me being Joe Cool kinda like smile back and lean on one of those fuckin trays. Well son, shit was flying everwhere and I had half that buffet on my ass. Needless to say there was NO dignified way to walk out of there. Oh yeah, fucked up my buzz real good too. lol Wasn't fucking funny then though. lol


New Member
ha... now thats some funny shit right there bro... ive had many embarrassing moments like a stupid one.... i was going home from where I worked in Staten Island smoking a fatty... come up to the toll booth on the varazono bridge, realized I didnt have my I insisted on getting out of the car to search for change under the seats n shit... the toll operator threatened to call police.... meanwhile its rush hour and traffic is crazy at the tolls at this time...I had people yelling obsenities in 10 diff


Well-Known Member
Flies were open and i dropped a joint down in it. No joke. Sorry no pics to back this up just a sudden shock of sheer terror and panic.