most effective way to get high


Active Member
Im not sure if its only me but i dont get high off bongs or bowls. Well i do get high/stoned but when i smoke blunts i get ripped. Well thats just me....Blunts 95% and bowls when its too "hot" to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Bong all the way. I found mine at one of the many head shops around my town for 21 bucks, but the cool ass Indian guy who owns the store dropped it down to 18 for me. Its just a regular 18 in. blue acrylic, but it gets the job done....well. The store in reference also does custom glass and they have colored and non colored GLASS pipes starting at $3. They are also owners of the sickest pipe Ive seen, Its like this blue, glass, abstract, art deco bulldog for $99. (would be smoking from it now but Im broke).
whats the most effetive way to get high with out wasting alot of weed a blunt doobie or pipe :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace: out
best way to get high ... hmmm :roll:

truthfully, i prefer to toke all the time, except i have found if you don't, and take some time off equaling days, weeks, or even months, can profoundly affect your perception and experiences of smoking cannabis :leaf: ...


id go with a gbong. its not that it uses up a lot of weed. its how its hit with a gravity bong. instead of inhaling it with your own lung power like in a regular bong your forcing it in so to speak. kind of like a beer bong.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
y do ppl keep sayin gb's take a lot of bud, if u use a socket for the bowl instead of a metal pipe bowl, it burns much slower so u can milk a gb with a .1


Well-Known Member
i only smoked out of a vape once and it didn't seem to get me as high. It really only "burns" the thc and other goodies that are on the outer layer of the bud. More of the yummy oils and other stuff that gets you stoned is inside.


Active Member
fucking you punks making be bust out my pipe lol
I was happy smoking my joint man but now I want to actually get stoned...
best way to get stoned is to stop for 1 week...
the pipe did give me a lil rush but not that much more then that...
also a change in meds is a good way.....

p.s I will finish a bag of weed much faster useing a pipe then joints

pot scott

Well-Known Member
fucking you punks making be bust out my pipe lol
I was happy smoking my joint man but now I want to actually get stoned...
best way to get stoned is to stop for 1 week...
the pipe did give me a lil rush but not that much more then that...
also a change in meds is a good way.....

p.s I will finish a bag of weed much faster useing a pipe then joints
it's the opposite for me, cuz i can blaze a .1 in a bowl, but to roll a joint i use atleast .5, and i don't like relighting later. so i gotta smoke the whole thing, and I'll peak b4 it's over.:weed:


Active Member
I guess every one is different dude... i just dont get that stoned any more..... i smoke too much, is that possible? lol


Well-Known Member
I guess every one is different dude... i just dont get that stoned any more..... i smoke too much, is that possible? lol
Your tolerance has just gotten high. Take a couple of days off every now and then and switch up strains if you can.

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
i only smoked out of a vape once and it didn't seem to get me as high. It really only "burns" the thc and other goodies that are on the outer layer of the bud. More of the yummy oils and other stuff that gets you stoned is inside.

you people really don't know what your missing. i turned my friends on to vape'ing all they all agree.. i love joints, blunts bowls all that shit, but the question is which is more effective.


Well-Known Member
bongs dont work for me and i hate wen my throat starts burning to the point where i wana cry
but thats cuz i only pak with mids
i always roll dank in blunts!!!
Im the opposite, i usually hate the taste of mid, so i'll roll it in a dutch or a honey game perferably. and if i have my homegrown or any dank, i'll smoke that out of a bong. Perferably my SYN :-)

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
"and wen there is no hope
ill smoke sum crack,ill shoot sum dooooopeeee
and wen theres no enemys,ill sit and stare at my tvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv,
and in my ignorance,
I'll be a slave and sycophant!"

500 channels
-choking victim
Bongs are the way to go you get a lot of smoke inhalation so you take in all the thc provided .. but my favorite way of getting baked is hot knives ! Just get a little propane tank with an igniter.. 2 butter knives.. sterolized water.. the top of a beer bottle cracked off or a lava lamp cracked off.. and last but not least some good old weed (hash works better) ! You just heat up the knives on the blaze unitll about the top inch of each knive is red then pick up a piece of weed with one knive by pressing on the blast(a small bud) put the other knives ontop kinda like a sandwich and get your bottle ready !


Well-Known Member
a good glass pipe with a medium bowl (too big makes the weed taste bad near the end of the bowl) is enough for me... it has to have the lil shotgun hole n the side too...