Morning Glory Seeds - Prep Question


Active Member
I know a guy who knows a guy...

This guy has MG seeds, and after researching online it seems most prep teks are trying to minimize the ill effects the seed shells give you. Well this guy decided to just germinate the seeds so the shells were practically falling off anyways and this worked perfectly. After germination (1 night) removing the shell required a slight pinch at the end and the contents spilled out like zits, it probably took 15 minutes per/100 seeds.

So now this guy has a pile of MG seed innards, without shells. So is any more preparation required now that the shells aren't a issue? Can he just eat them? What would be the most potent method for ingesting this pile of little white MG guts?


Active Member
Well this guy just outright swallowed them in large pinches like tylenol or something, just a baseline dose (100) because he's a first timer with MGS. No nausea, but he could feel the tinges of something in his stomach. To quickly sum up the experience of a low dose (100) with no shells, very pleasant body sensation, if you can imagine what a weak dose of ex might feel like that would be the closest thing he could think, just a pleasant thrill up the nervous system extending into the brain kinda thing. Very pleasant. With a dose this low though there were no psychedelic symptoms such as visual or auditory visions, no distortion of the senses (colors, melting, etc) and no close eyed visions. They work though, and it was nice. Very cheap and legal and available. The thing is, all of those teks involve butane fluid and days of prep and other 'chemist' like preparations, all because people grind up the whole batch, poisonous shells and all, and then spend a great deal of time and effort to eliminate the toxins introduced by shells. Germinate the batch. Soak them in water overnight and even that should be enough to lightly pinch each seed zit like and remove the two. It's easy.


Well-Known Member
It's not that the shell is poisonous. The seed contains oils that will make you sick, inside and out/coat and innards. Grind the seeds up and soak them in cold water in the fridge for a day or two, shaking the mixture occasionally. Then, filter out the solids and drink. The LSA's will extract in cold water from the ground up seeds, the oils on the other hand are not that soluble in cold water and should stay in the filtered seed mush.:peace:

Try using 500 seeds next time the way I mentioned.:mrgreen: