Morning chuckle...


Well-Known Member
Every politician is a wolf in sheeps clothing. The rich 1% of the population form political parties and give the average citizens the guise of having a say in a vote. Which not one of them ever do what they say. As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t matter if you vote con or lib they are going to do what’s best for there inner circle of friends and family. And maybe if us average citizens are lucky they might do one of the 50 promises they ran on. Then we the citizens get upset and vote for the other rich elite partyo_O

Soon the gap of wealth will be so large something will have to give. Plus I hope the average Canadians wake up and realize if we want real change we have to try something different..... as Einstein said doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Is insanity so let’s hope we vote in a different party then the cons or the libs. IMO


Well-Known Member
"i would take the" horned one" back in a minute" sums up the stupidity of Canadian voters.
NONE of the 3 federal clown troupes deserve a single vote and subjecting ourselves to another decade of of a Harper-like dictatorship run by religious nuts will not improve anything, particularly for those on the west coast. Vote for an independent (preferably separatist) candidate or spoil your ballot.