More Light? 400 watt plus 150 watt

DSC_0394 (640x424).jpgDSC_0393 (640x424).jpgI have a 400 watt set up with 4 plants in a 3x3 tent my plants are in flower and I have a 150 watt light laying around and was wondering if I should add that to my setup. if you think I can fit the light and idea of where to put it would be great thanks.:joint:


Active Member
a 400 in a 3x3? I rock a 250 in my 2.5x2.5... I think you'll be fine with the 400

with that being said, more light is better as long as you can control your tempratures


I agree with personaljesus, you should easily be able to get 12oz with that setup. and of course assuming you have a solid grow method which with these pictures suggest you indeed do. Unless you reallllllllly wanna maximize bud production at the cost of a little more electricity then id say deff. go for it. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
They look too small to benefit from any extra light to me
a 400w is plenty for that space
once they get bigger, you could put the other light near the bottom
to help the lower branches produce some better bud

happy growing