Monkey's 2nd go - Nirvana's "Northern Light" - Autoflowering & Feminized - 400w HPS


Well-Known Member
took some snaps while they were waking up.

the one that had issues made a full recovery. it's looking
a bit small still but it's finally started back up growing.

the one that recovered earlier looks even better than the runt

more unsavory HPS lighting

pulled one out of the HPS to get some better pictures...

Mr. Cactus loves indoor lighting.

peace and love, friends bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
i'm noticing that starting the plants in large pots allows for the plant to begin to branch out and become more bushy much earlier, as it skips the stage of being rootbound - a step that often stunts horizontal growth.

The Lev 88

Hi Monkeybones

Iv taken an interest in your thread as I am doing pretty much the same thing. What made me want to post is the fact that I also am growing Nirvana's auto northern lights, although bought from a headshop and am slight worried about them not being auto's as I want small plants due to space im using a DS60 by secret jardin.
This would be my first proper grow and thought id list what im using and see what you think.

The light is a 400W hps although Im using a lumatek digital ballast so its currently running at 250W till they are a bit bigger, I have a small carbon filter and 2 inline fans for in and out of air and the ventilation is really good although still need to test with the 400, they are growing in bio bizz all mix and are taking well., below are some images of the thing. Good luck with yours and hope they are auto's in the end otherwise it will add a few extra weeks till harvest.



Well-Known Member
Hi Monkeybones

Iv taken an interest in your thread as I am doing pretty much the same thing. What made me want to post is the fact that I also am growing Nirvana's auto northern lights, although bought from a headshop and am slight worried about them not being auto's as I want small plants due to space im using a DS60 by secret jardin.
This would be my first proper grow and thought id list what im using and see what you think.

The light is a 400W hps although Im using a lumatek digital ballast so its currently running at 250W till they are a bit bigger, I have a small carbon filter and 2 inline fans for in and out of air and the ventilation is really good although still need to test with the 400, they are growing in bio bizz all mix and are taking well., below are some images of the thing. Good luck with yours and hope they are auto's in the end otherwise it will add a few extra weeks till harvest.

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thanks for stopping by, lev. looks like you've got things under control, the only think i might suggest is moving the HPS much further way from the seedlings until they're a bit older. besides that grow on man. mine didn't autoflower, but 12/12 should fix the problem for both of us if yours don't either.


Well-Known Member
flipped the girls onto 12/12 two days ago. no signs of preflowers yet so it looks like the ruderalis gene in these girls failed as I feared. oh well. feminized is good enough for me. let's see how they do on 12/12.

on a side note from that Nirvana credited me 20 euros for my trouble. thanks Nirvana. :)

I will be posting some pictures today once they wake up. peace and love bongsmilie

time to go get ripped and play Darksiders for the PC. *glad they released it for something other than console* :)

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
wise move going 12/12 monkey, i did the same. They take around a week, maybe a bit longer, to show preflowers but once they do the spring up every where.

The Lev 88

has anyone actually bought autoflowering from nirvana and actually did autoflower, because now im preparing to have to set to 12/12 only advantage of them not being autoflower would be a saving on the electicity.

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
has anyone actually bought autoflowering from nirvana and actually did autoflower, because now im preparing to have to set to 12/12 only advantage of them not being autoflower would be a saving on the electicity.
I really didn't give them chance to be honest, I'm constrained by time and didn't want to be on 7/8/9 weeks of veg to then have to flip them 12/12 anyway. I have heard stories of them growing quite big but mine seem smaller than the other plants i've attempted to grow. Mine just started budding yesterday around the 10th/11th day of 12/12. I just hope that the reduced lighting wont hurt the yield to much.


Well-Known Member
sorry for the span between posts, I recently started a new full time job and also being a full time student things have been rough, but today I'm going to get some pictures up. for the most part the plants have almost doubled in size since the last post, and they have all shown preflowers. they also look like they're beginning to crown from the 12/12, so things seem to be right on track.

thanks guys for stopping by and posting some comments. no, it doesn't look like my plants autoflowered, but to be honest I'm fine with it because they seem to be relatively short bushy plants anyway. I'll have plenty of room for them to flower in.

check back later tonight for pictures :)

peace friends


Well-Known Member
the two plants i pulled out;


and pretty bad pictures of the preflowers, but if you know what you're looking for you can see them in these pictures;

gotta get ready for work, seeya folks bongsmilie


Active Member
So how tall are the plants from the soil to the top now? I've been interested in Nirvana seeds for awhile. And this is no topping or lst'ing or anything right? Just a straight out grow?


Well-Known Member
So how tall are the plants from the soil to the top now? I've been interested in Nirvana seeds for awhile. And this is no topping or lst'ing or anything right? Just a straight out grow?
about a foot each, the small one is a couple inches under that. the tall one i didn't supercrop is a foot and a quarter


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry about that, me and my wife went on vacation for a week and I've been taking care of odds and ends since we got back, so I didn't get around to posting these pictures I took a couple days ago of a few of the plants. they've grown a bit since then but I will be posting updated pictures probably tonight after work.


this one coulda passed for dead a few weeks ago

this one I supercropped a week ago. it's doing fantastically.

don't worry, more coming soon now that we're settled back down. thanks for stopping by. :)

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
Got some nice buds taking shape there monkey, mine are starting to get a bit frosty now, I'm sure yours will do soon. That "dead" plant looks like its thriving, I found that these plants are very hardy and seem tounce back bigger and better.


Well-Known Member
Got some nice buds taking shape there monkey, mine are starting to get a bit frosty now, I'm sure yours will do soon. That "dead" plant looks like its thriving, I found that these plants are very hardy and seem tounce back bigger and better.

aye, that they do. it had trouble sprouting its taproot deep and wound stunted, but you can hardly tell now

ima drop by your grow now and see what's a'brewin.

The Lev 88

Sweet monkeybones hope your plants are budding nicely I'm posting to say that mine have actually started to autoflower the parallel nodes have separated and slight hairs are visible this has happened just 3 weeks after germination they have been growing very fast with noticeable difference every few hours. I will try to get some pics up some point soon, best wishes mate

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
Sweet monkeybones hope your plants are budding nicely I'm posting to say that mine have actually started to autoflower the parallel nodes have separated and slight hairs are visible this has happened just 3 weeks after germination they have been growing very fast with noticeable difference every few hours. I will try to get some pics up some point soon, best wishes mate
Its nice to see some do AF, congrats