Monkey Whiz Synthetic Piss Question (Not the typical does it work)


hey guys haven't posted in a while. i've dialed in my technique since i started and will have to get some pics up. anyways to give yall some background i dont live in a medical state and we just had our first baby. my girlfriends dr told her hes not supposed to say it but smoking pot would help her nasuea(duh) and has never been proven to due any harm. what he didn't tell her is that he was drug testing her. when the baby was born she had failed UA's throughout pregnancy. So now we're dealing with CPS. She tested fine yesterday and I cheated but everything went cool on my end. Turns out CPS never sent in the payment form for me so the lab is holding my sample. with the holiday weekend i dont see it being picked up for 5 days. monkey whiz has the bacteria and everything, im just wondering if it will still be cool if its almost a week before its tested. any help is appreciated!...also wasn't sure where to post this...


Well-Known Member
A pot or cigarette smoking mother will definitely have an effect on a fetus. Actually any developing brain, up to early 20's, will be effected by marijuana. The research is there.