Mold in my Hydro set-up?


Active Member
So it seems some kind of mold is growing on the roots of my plants. the plants themselves look really healthy but the grey fuzz is getting bigger. Is this something i should worry about? if so how can i remedy the situation? I am using a stealth hydro system with general hydroponic liquid nutrients. Been growing for years on this setup with no troubles, this is my 1st grow with these nutrients. Please help!


Well-Known Member
if you insist on going hydro. then its ok to keep the room cool with an ac unit. or run that water chiller. or do what I do instead of spending all that money 500 on a good chiller and pay that 500 watt electric bill. instead I run more light soil. so the hydro guys they can pull more yield are full of shit because I can run more lights and use the same electric .


Sometimes I put a little hydrogen peroxide in then check the next day, but I've never had it that bad. I get a little if I don't change my water past2 weeks I'm in 5 gallon buckets and put in about 2 teaspoons .


Also try to mix peroxide and water in a spray bottle, then spray the basket and roots to try and get it off. Probably could boost you bubbles add a small pump give more oxygen to the roots! Good luck I hope you get it straight!


Active Member
so i have drained the water, thoroughly rinsed the inside. spray with peroxide solution, re-drained and filled back up. hopefully this will help


Well-Known Member
I know this may sound a bit silly but if you do not wanna purchase a chiller there are diy on how to make them or simply do what i would do. ADD some good clean bag of ice to your water each day to keep it at a good cool temp.. my water is very cold but i use straight tap well water with base 220ppm and r/o ice cubes. my res is black and in cold area in basementIMG_3158.jpgIMG_3159.jpg