MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

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The weather hasn't been very cooperative round these neck of the woods. Outside the greenhouse it's exactly 34 degrees. However, inside it's comfortable 75 degrees. This is pretty late for this type of weather considering I was starting to get tan last week !

Numbers: I currently have 31 (some feminized and some not) seedlings going right now and later on I will be adding 10-20 White Widow clones as well. I have yet to work out the finer details as far as the clones are concerned. All in all, I should have at least 30-40 females this season.

How, where, and When: They will all be grown outdoors in a few select locations away from prying eyes ( I hope). I will transplant all of them outside in Mid May or so, weather permitting. They will be individually enclosed with chicken wire to keep deer and other critters at bay until they reach a larger size and other vegetation becomes more abundant for wildlife to feed on. Holes will be dug 3*3 for all known females and probably 2*2 for the unknown sex plants. The soil in this area is VERY fertile and little work need be done with it. I have a few hundred pounds of peat moss I will make use of and as much compost and manure as I need. Time release fertilizer and other supplements will be used as well. More details to be added later

Strains: 4 feminized Bubblicious from Nirvana Seeds, 1 Feminized Veneno from Eva Seeds, 1 Feminized Frisian Dew from DP, 4 Fast Nevilles Haze from Female Seeds, and 3 Cinderella 99 X-line Crosses from Female Seeds.

Regular seeds are all from Irie Vibe Seedbank: 3 Mau Fresas (erdbeer/purpurea ticinencis * Mau Mau (blockhead indy mother*killa queen f6), 3 NYCD F3's, 4 AK47, 8 Kodiak Gold* Pre 98 Aloha White Widow.

And as previously mentioned, I will grow 10-20...... or possibly more White Widow clones along with a few mystery plants.

Some of these strains are questionable for a climate that turns sour at any given time in the month of October. Although last year was nice until early November, so we'll see. The Fast Nevilles Haze is supposed to flower in 8 weeks and be finished in late September. I had to give it a whirl. I decided to grow a wider variety of strains so that I may make some interesting crosses for next season.

That's all for now, but updates will be coming before much longer.

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Plants are doing well. The weather has taken a turn for the better. Snow last week, suntanning weather the next. Plants are showing robust growth and are very healthy. The Fast Nevilles are a bit touchy, but that's pretty normal for that strain. The Kodiak Gold* Pre 98 Aloha White Widow from Irie Vibe Seeds is showing the best growth above all others, very vigorous and healthy. As impressed as I have been with Irie Vibe Seeds, I have ordered some more strains more NYCD and Northern Lights #5. I will also be testing out a new strain called Krakatoa which consists of Fruit Loop Haze* Mau Mau. Very much so looking forward to this. As you can tell, I will be pushing the envelope this season. I should be pushing somewhere's in the range of 60 females this year. Rough estimate.


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Also, I have a killer area where I wanted to plant. It's very difficult terrain that leads into a fen (more or less a marsh). I was looking for slightly elevated ground since I know that this place doesn't flood, there's simply pockets of surface water that does flow out. Not finding what I wanted, I have decided to try a variation of "swamp Tubes" this year. I have a large amount of four foot chicken wire that I will use to create a circle with, leaving an open bottom. I will bury some of the wire underground and stake it down. I will line the inside of the chicken wire with a black weed blocker type of fabric, again leaving the bottom open. I will fill it will peat moss and create a very large container. The idea being that with the bottom left open, it will always have a supply of water and I should rarely/if ever have to water my plants. The PH of the water in a fen/marsh is quite unlike the high ph water of a swamp. So I'm not very worried about that, but will be sure to add some lime regardless.

Aside from that, I did find one area on a slight slope leading to the fen that will always be out of any standing water, yet should be relatively moist depending on how high up the slope I decide to plant. I have cleared the majority of the deadfalls and taken a machete to enough of the vegetation to allow me to plant, without reducing my cover too much. I will be going balls to the wall and planting in full sun or nearly full sun for most all of my plants this season. Not trying to harvest a couple oz's per plant in the shade. We're aiming for pound+ with every plant this year. Not really any aerial worries for me around here, I know the risks.

Pictures of the spots coming soon


Well-Known Member
Awesome...sounds like you're a man with a plan. Hope the swamp tubes work out for ya.

I like that outdoor greenhouse...looks very effective. Did you have some sort of heater in there last week, or does it just keep warm naturally?
I guess you'll be digging all the holes by hand? Should be some good exercise.

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xebeche- The greenhouse is effective for now, however, I will likely ditch it after it's served it's purpose this season and go for a permanent structure. The high winds here have beaten it senseless this season. Yeah, I ended up putting in a heater when it started to snow. Why did you have to remind me of all the hole digging I will have to be doing this season ?!?! Yes, I will be doing the digging by myself and by hand. I'm sure I will end up compromising on the hole size if I feel I can get away with it.

Well, seems as if this grow keeps getting larger. I will likely be adding in some new strains this season yet again. I have been gifted some quality genetics recently and am waiting for them to arrive. Heath Robinson's Black Rose and V3. I will have to add an updated list of strains soon, lol
good to see a fellow mn grower. dont comprimise on your hole size it will pay off.i hope for you a couple of your non fems turn out male i couldnt imagine takiin care of 30-40 plants if it didnt rain for like a week and you had to carry 40 gallons of water.

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ilovegoodweed- Always good to see another from the North Star State. Yeah, I'm thinking if I end up planting ten a day, I will do everything I need to do correctly. It's when you try to get the whole shebang done in one shot that sloppiness comes into play.
I keep getting tester/free seeds from various places and my numbers keep increasing. I should have around 50 females or better this season. Depends on some of the seeds I have on the way. However, as far as watering is concerned, I'm not TOO worried. My main area has a water table that should keep my plants moist throughout much of the season with only an occasional rain. It's situated on a slight slope leading to a fen where there's always a little bit of standing water. I plan to try some swamp tubes out as well. Will maybe do 5-10 depending on if I like the design after I make the first one. Those require little/if any watering. And as always, all of my spots are near water, so push comes shove..........


Another MN outdoor guerilla here, looking good man How big are you gonna dig your holes?

I was gonna do 20 3'x1.25' round holes, but I have a feeling that everyone that recomends holes that big lives in an area that is better suited for growing cannabis. So I decided to step down to a 2'x1.25' round holes in order to save some labor and a lot of money on soil(not to mention less soil to carry out there). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that the plants wont even get big enough to utilize a 3 foot hole here in MN.

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Sickleg- I plan to do a little larger than that. Three by three for all clones and feminized seeds. And somewhat smaller for unknowns. I talked earlier about compromising on hole size to save time. Only time will tell. As far as hauling soil in, I will bring in bundles of compressed peat moss (premier peat moss from Menards) and mix 50/50 with the native soil. One bundle will go a long way. And by the way, they can and will grow plenty big enough to utilize the hole my friend. I have grown them ten feet tall and yielded pound plants. Depends on the season I suppose. But don't let naysayers fool you, MN isn't that rough of a climate. Do a search and you'll see plenty of people well North of us, Canada for example, doing there thing just fine and yielding plenty. Besides, if you're only gonna do twenty plants, the extra hole size won't take more than an hour extra once you're already there doing it, you know ? And you don't really HAVE to haul in additional soil if the grow area is relatively fertile and as long as it's not straight clay or sand. Simply loosening the soil helps a great deal. Good luck !

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Over the years, I have found that it simply doesn't pay to plant outdoors too early. Growth will slow to a halt and they will be slim pickings for wildlife, patience must be exercised. All of my plants veg inside of my greenhouse and have the benefit of supplemental lighting to the tune of 18/6. It eliminates the need to harden off any plants since I let it get cold in there from 10pm-4am every night. Come Mid May, these bad boys will be ready to rock out and should show little sign of transplant shock whatsoever.

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Some pics from this morning. Afterwards, I finally broke down and decided I would have to re-pot ten of the biggest plants and/or the medium sized feminized strains. They were just starting to go rootbound. Now they should explode with new grow.

Also pictured is some fresh seedlings recently started, consisting of NYCD and NL#5. I have a bunch of Krakatoa started as well.



Well-Known Member
Yep, those plants are gonna love the bigger pots for sure. Howz the weather in MN these days? You planning to put 'em in the holes soon? Still digging? :bigjoint:

Active Member
xebeche- The weather has started to finally get where it needs to be for me, no more freezes or frosts at night forecast for the next ten days by at least ten degrees. However, none are in their holes yet, still in the greenhouse. Light has been cut down to 16 hours a day and I let it get as cold as it wants to in there at night. They should take right off once they're put outside. I also haven't even begun to dig any holes yet either. My main area may or may not get turkey hunters and I don't wanna have a buncha turned earth and whatnot for someone to stumble upon...... or myself digging holes for that matter! I haven't noticed any hunters near there yet, and if I don't see any in the next week, I will have to start working. Good thing is, the soil around these parts is very very rich and I don't need to do much to it besides the addition of a little peat moss. Should be pretty quick work..... in comparison to some areas.


yo i am in mn and will be doing nevilles as one of my strains as well. main strains: purple maroc, white widow X big bud, pandora auto flower. additional strains: jock horror, la blanca, pipi, sugar babe(indoor). got mother plants of all these that i started in february. been cloning to beat hell. this weather fucking blows though...put out a couple of herm plants as scouts...they are not very happy. haha, good luck.

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Right on man, I'm about to head out and do some night-time planting. It's been beautiful down my way the past couple days. Was up to something like 70 today. But my greenhouse is getting wayyyyy too full. I have over 70 plants in there now, mostly young seedlings...... but the thirty some large ones are needing to be repotted or sent out into the wild. Ten day forecast has lows well above freezing and that's all that really matters. Good luck to you as well, I see you're new.... welcome and continue to come back and possibly share your grow with us, later

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Been busy planting the last few days. Managed to get twenty some plants in the ground in a handful of hours. Although finding my way in the dark involved alot of sticker bushes and misdirection.

Here are a few of the shots of the plot and of the surrounding area on a rainy day.
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I had a weird feeling about today after I planted. I drove out to the area and I see a vehicle pulled over near where I parked earlier. Too late to turn around, I see some hunters on the side of the road. As I drive by I can see he's interested in speaking to me, I roll the window down and slow to a halt. He proceeds to ask me if I got anything this morning. As in Turkey hunting. He seen my vehicle and assumed I was turkey hunting. So I proceeded to bullshit him about not seeing anything and chit chatted about being rained on, etc. I kinda sounded like I was a little green to hunting though. But it was quite apparent that he didn't suspect anything out of the ordinary and hadn't found anything. So they proceeded into the brush to go hunting. Not cool at all. They're a needle in a haystack and quite hard to spot even from a matter of yards away, but damn, this is not good for me at all. Season is over before long and not a moment too soon. Needless to say, I will not being going back to this spot any time soon and when I do, it will be by dead of night and I will mountain bike out there and leave my car miles away. Not cool at all. I do not feel safe.