"Mn Growers Unite" 2011


Active Member
Just across the border from you, and does the weather suck or what.
Plants are getting huge, thought I would have them out by now.
Another night in the 20s ahead and then hopefully it will start warming up.


Is the end of May a little late in your guys' opinion or just about right? I would have them started already but I'm at school until the 13th. Believe me when I say though that I have everything prepared to start those seeds the minute I get home. I may even bring them back with me this weekend and put them in paper towels in my dorm just to get a few days head start... IS this a waste of time or worth it? I would have to transport them home and risk damaging them but I think it will be worth it just to be able to pop them right in the soil once I get home.


Well-Known Member
start them outside in a decent sized pot, I'd say a 5gal. let them grow as much as you can until winter hits again in about 4 months. lol

then throw a trash bag over them and bring them to an indoor spot. A full grow this year is not happening. same with next year. the planet is changing too much


Active Member
This thread dying or what ?
Knew I could inspire some action here, lol. The weather is beautiful today boys ! Ok Ok, so specific question here for people in MN, when they going out ? Tafbang, you seem to indicate today is something special. I've been looking at the ten day forecast in my area and like what it's saying, but I'm not sure I trust it. I normally put them out around the 2nd-3rd week in May and into June. I'm not asking when I should put em out......... I been at it for years, but what about you guys ? My secondary motivation for asking this is because I have some compelling reasons for wanting to get some plants in the ground and away from where they are now. Regardless, I still plan to wait at least one more week.... if not two.


Well-Known Member
well, I'd prefer to get started as early as possible, and today is the possibility, I kind of just did a johnny appleseed mission, spreading seeds all over the town bye houses and on the side of roads/highways. usually by ditches so that they can pick up more water and nutrients. I don't plan on picking any of those up though, I'm just going to keep this grow inside until the moon gets further away from the earth for much better weather. But you got a small window to grow in MN, I'd say you have to take a risk this year


Active Member
start them outside in a decent sized pot, I'd say a 5gal. let them grow as much as you can until winter hits again in about 4 months. lol

then throw a trash bag over them and bring them to an indoor spot. A full grow this year is not happening. same with next year. the planet is changing too much
Ok Ok tafbang, lay down the herb and quit watching global warming documentaries, lol. We're gonna be growing into October like usual and everything is gonna be fine my friend. But yeah, the climate here is somewhat limiting, but as long as we get into October without a serious freeze, we can be assured of a harvest. Depends where in MN you are though, myself, I'm damn near Iowegian so that lends me a little more confidence than say an iron ranger.


Active Member
Is the end of May a little late in your guys' opinion or just about right? I would have them started already but I'm at school until the 13th. Believe me when I say though that I have everything prepared to start those seeds the minute I get home. I may even bring them back with me this weekend and put them in paper towels in my dorm just to get a few days head start... IS this a waste of time or worth it? I would have to transport them home and risk damaging them but I think it will be worth it just to be able to pop them right in the soil once I get home.
Sickleg, tell you what, you don't have much to lose. I'm just now germinating some of my seed since it just arrived. I'm not too worried about not harvesting. But if I were you, I would get on it like NOW. You WILL get bud, positively less than if they were already well established of course. But in my book, any bud is better than some seeds laying around your sock drawer. Aside from that, you can always make some of your own seed by selecting prime candidates that finish early and crossing them. Don't need large plants or plants full of bud to make seed. Either way you come out on top and better for having started them.


Well-Known Member
It's called science and common sense and I quit smoking the herb, just growing for now. Who would've thought that having an College Education would teach you things.

and growing in october in 30 degree weather and likely chances of snow. good luck, you are fortunate to be in the lower area, but I think you need to lay the piece down if you think you can do a full grow this year


Active Member
It's called science and common sense and I quit smoking the herb, just growing for now. Who would've thought that having an College Education would teach you things.

and growing in october in 30 degree weather and likely chances of snow. good luck, you are fortunate to be in the lower area, but I think you need to lay the piece down if you think you can do a full grow this year
Well, the second I see anyone besides tafbang say that we're going to have snow in four months and that in 2011 AND in 2012 nobody in MN will be able to successfully grow marijuana, I will give it a second thought. Science does say that the climate is changing, not doubting that, but these sort of changes take place over a lengthier period of time than you seem to believe. I think maybe you're taking it a little too far. Besides, "science" doesn't have too many opinions about whether or not people in MN will be able to crop out some mj last I checked, lol. And as for common sense ........ just because you believe it doesn't make it common sense my friend. A college education and no smoking, we do have some things in common it seems, right on. Good luck though !


Active Member
Here is a lovely tool I suggest everyone in MN check out right away. Historical weather data as FACT fellow MN growers. Much better than opinions. This website will give you historical weather data as far as temps and rainfall are concerned day by day, month by month, and year by year. So if you wanted to know when the first freeze has occurred in your area in the month of October in the years 2008 through 2010, you could do so. Or the last freezes for whatever years. Complete day by day temps. Not to mention rainfall data and various other usefull data.

The lovely thing is, you can set your location by clicking your EXACT location on the map by latitude and longitude. This allows you 100% perfect data for your grow location. Unlike other places that might show monthly weather for the nearest bigger city. A great tool for every grower to use and abuse, have fun.

By the way, for any doubters, my specific location had various temp dips near freezing beginning the first week of October, but we had temps in the mid-high 50's throughout the last week of October, with the average LOW temp being above 40 degrees and the average temp being above 50 for the month of October. PERFECT for finishing a crop in MN, grow on friends.



Well-Known Member
Well, the second I see anyone besides tafbang say that we're going to have snow in four months and that in 2011 AND in 2012 nobody in MN will be able to successfully grow marijuana, I will give it a second thought. Science does say that the climate is changing, not doubting that, but these sort of changes take place over a lengthier period of time than you seem to believe. I think maybe you're taking it a little too far. Besides, "science" doesn't have too many opinions about whether or not people in MN will be able to crop out some mj last I checked, lol. And as for common sense ........ just because you believe it doesn't make it common sense my friend. A college education and no smoking, we do have some things in common it seems, right on. Good luck though !
You get that full grow out. and look it was new moon yesterday and there was another earthquake in japan :) science


Well-Known Member
It's called science and common sense and I quit smoking the herb, just growing for now. Who would've thought that having an College Education would teach you things.

and growing in october in 30 degree weather and likely chances of snow. good luck, you are fortunate to be in the lower area, but I think you need to lay the piece down if you think you can do a full grow this year
science? lol if you knew something about something then you would know that the scientists who have proved global warming to be a fake and scam for the government to make shit loads of money are being killed or drown out by the government. the world has cycles 10 years and it will be hot as shit the next 10 years it will be cold or decent. it goes on an on that way.


Well-Known Member
Ok Ok tafbang, lay down the herb and quit watching global warming documentaries, lol. We're gonna be growing into October like usual and everything is gonna be fine my friend. But yeah, the climate here is somewhat limiting, but as long as we get into October without a serious freeze, we can be assured of a harvest. Depends where in MN you are though, myself, I'm damn near Iowegian so that lends me a little more confidence than say an iron ranger.
see im up towards the iron range, kinda sucks but i make due with wat i got


Well-Known Member
ok so lil update..got about 35 bubba kush clones 2 sour diesel and a blue dream plant goin for this years outdoor crop that ill be keeping close to home, keepin large crops at a nice ditance lol....been taking clones and vegging all winter, been spraying all clones with Bushmaster over the last few weeks and they seem to be taking well to it, ideally i would be running this crop inside until mid june when theyre all nicely sized but i kinda had to clean my house out of everything due to a stupid roommate....oh well theyre in safe keeping and will be going outside this week..ill post a couple pics tomorrow..the last one i got left is my 7 month old mother that i used for cloning al winter and started flowering 4 weeks ago, really dont wanna have to chop her down but desperate times call for desperate measures....all the clones are growing fantastic, the blue dream is a 3 ft bush and the sour diesel had a mite infestation when i got it and is kind of retarded but is about 4 ft tall, and then a small clone of that as well. so yea hope everyones grows are going well and lets see some more pics yall!!!
peace n happy growing
i must say this is pretty disapointing for a post that starts no bullshit! Thats all that seems to be goin on. Now if people want to chat thats fine and im no one to say otherwise. but this is pretty dissapointing MN im born and raised here and we get to the point not 14 pages of useless SHIT!!! get it together and post some info.Ill be puttin mine up in ottertail county gonna grow 8 Skunk#1/NL#1. gonna be beasts lets showem what we can do.if words are mispelled everyone should know why;)


Active Member
i must say this is pretty disapointing for a post that starts no bullshit! Thats all that seems to be goin on. Now if people want to chat thats fine and im no one to say otherwise. but this is pretty dissapointing MN im born and raised here and we get to the point not 14 pages of useless SHIT!!! get it together and post some info.Ill be puttin mine up in ottertail county gonna grow 8 Skunk#1/NL#1. gonna be beasts lets showem what we can do.if words are mispelled everyone should know why;)
Can't disagree with you friend. Thread was started in the dead of winter and it's now just the beginning of the grow season, that's why you haven't seen much good stuff so far. Aside from that, check my link out. I already have about thirty outdoors and another forty to go.