Come back after dealing with Health Canada for a while.
I submitted what was essentially the same application twice (after clearing up zoning issues). The first time around they were very positive, but the second time we didnt have a chance. They change their requirements all the time, and you need to be in it for the long haul and have very deep pockets to get through. Having a politician in your pocket probably wouldn't hurt either.
I know people (multiple groups) who passed their site inspection but have been in limbo for over a year. So if you think you can get through at a low cost, think again. You need to be able to keep the lights running, pay rent, pay for the build out, etc. for an unspecified period and this is not cheap. It is all a series of catch 22s as well, as you will quickly realize.
The whole system makes it nearly impossible for the "little guy" to get through. Of course, if you are a little buy with a big bank account you have a shot.
Good luck with your application, but you should really take all of the experience from us ex-wannabes to heart. As you read through the posts you will find that most of us started out with a somewhat similar attitude, but HC slowly beat it out of us. The situation has only deteriorated since the beginning. You may think that you have superior qualifications that will help you prevail, but I wouldn't assume so much. I've met with a number of people in this regard and being a freshly minted lawyer does not put you on a pedestal, not even close. HC has received about 1000 applicants and only licensed 15; if you think you are more qualified than the other 985 applicants, you may be delusional. Again, I wish you the best of luck but there is a reason that nost of us are "ex-wannabes".