mmma down???

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I swear most of you do not want total legalization.
Oh God no......Marlboro green would take on a whole new meaning. NOBODY would be allowed to sell anything to anyone trade, transfer..whatever you want to call it. I've preached that position forever. You may be able to "brew some wine", but you won't be having enough to share.


Well-Known Member
They buy meds directly from growers or patients who don't want to put their faces out there, and sell it for..yes.. a PROFIT. purchasing for 175-250 and selling them for 250-360. I got a real nice quarter for 45$ yesterday. You just have to shop around a little. yes there are places out there that suck..pricewise and med wise. (jc3, michigan center, etc.) They are taking the risk daily so 75-90$ profit on an oz isn't unreasonable imo. But when I am between harvests I have no hesitation going to the place I am familiar with and grabbing some bud to get me through.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
the word industrial is in it. which includes hemp
And that's fine...but it better be clear on "industrial"...Ever seen a "hemp field"?'s not cannabis as you know it. It still grows wild in Indiana...I lived in Niles for a couple years..shit was everywhere....I watched one big ole female all summer long, right at a 4 way stop. Every corn field was full of it...can;t get rid of the damn weed, ever since they grew it for rope in the 30' me, hemp as a whole different meaning to the Government.

The "hemp" is cannabis, but it's thick stalked, high fiber, low flower ratio grow. You don't even want to smoke it.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
They buy meds directly from growers or patients who don't want to put their faces out there, and sell it for..yes.. a PROFIT. purchasing for 175-250 and selling them for 250-360. I got a real nice quarter for 45$ yesterday. You just have to shop around a little. yes there are places out there that suck..pricewise and med wise. (jc3, michigan center, etc.) They are taking the risk daily so 75-90$ profit on an oz isn't unreasonable imo. But when I am between harvests I have no hesitation going to the place I am familiar with and grabbing some bud to get me through.
Any dispensary model will have to include a "mark up" or the place couldn't staff itself. But the should be NPO's...


Well-Known Member
Can't some of you guys work on regulating meth and crack. Marijuana can fucking handle itself just fine with out any of your guys help at all! You guys sound like old fat house wives bitching about how prostitution is ruining the world.


New Member
And that's fine...but it better be clear on "industrial"...Ever seen a "hemp field"?'s not cannabis as you know it. It still grows wild in Indiana...I lived in Niles for a couple years..shit was everywhere....I watched one big ole female all summer long, right at a 4 way stop. Every corn field was full of it...can;t get rid of the damn weed, ever since they grew it for rope in the 30' me, hemp as a whole different meaning to the Government.

The "hemp" is cannabis, but it's thick stalked, high fiber, low flower ratio grow. You don't even want to smoke it.
Hemp is not cannabis they are completely different.You were lied to by big brother they classified hemp and cannabis together when prohibition started. hemp has 0.05 and 1% thc or oils its strictly a commercial fiber. there is absolutely no reason why they consider it a schedule 1 narcotic. they make all kinds of stuff out of it not only rope but clothing, chemical free paper, boat sails,even food.


Active Member
This was in regards for the bills passed last Thursday. Once a bill is scheduled, and close to being heard, you can yell all you want about saying's going to be heard. Once a bill is scheduled, as in this situation, all you can do successfully is lobby for positive wording. Sure, you can TECHNICALLY call for a no vote...but history proves that fruitless on bills of any type.

Many bills are still far enough away to try and block..but as they get closer to a hearing date,,,we need to re-direct focus to damage not compromise, is to let them pass the bill "as introduced"..and that would have been WORSE last Thursday.
It is very rare for any bill to receive a 75% supermajority. The only reason they are willing to compromise is because they believe it increases the chances of it passing, meaning they don't anticipate them passing.


New Member
Hemp can yield 3-8 dry tons of fiber per acre. This is four times what an average forest can yield. it grows 20 to 25 feet tall in 14months and produces five times more oxygen then trees.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Can't some of you guys work on regulating meth and crack. Marijuana can fucking handle itself just fine with out any of your guys help at all! You guys sound like old fat house wives bitching about how prostitution is ruining the world.

I have to comment, as there is much satire in that post for me. My doctor has offered me methamphetamine.. pharmaceutical grade..It's on the menu for Parkinson's patients to help with fatigue. True story. I solve that problem with a high grade Sativa..which seems a much better solution.

Now you may ask why meth for fatigue from a DR? Fatigue in PD is a whole new definition of fatigue. It's described as fatigue at a molecular level...pretty make you lay down all day WANT to do stuff, but every time you try you go..nope, better lay down. Doesn't happen every day, but all Pd patients have "off" days.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I want total legalization. Anyone who doesn't is ignorant, a fool, or making bank off criminalization.
Total legalization will never happen. Sorry to be that negative, but it won't. It would have Global economic impact if It were totally legal..we'd try and make it our #1 export crop...It would literally create World conflict...If any major nation totally legalized it.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
It is very rare for any bill to receive a 75% supermajority. The only reason they are willing to compromise is because they believe it increases the chances of it passing, meaning they don't anticipate them passing.
Witch is good...and allows our side to work in some key points.


Active Member
There's a lot of conditions that can cause that... I have experienced that kind of fatigue myself... severe allergies (as in, off the charts at allergy testing, taking 5x the max dose of antihistamines and still sneezing) will make you feel that way. It's terrible shit... if you deal with that yourself I feel for ya. I'm glad to hear they offer real solutions to crippling fatigue, but obviously a sativa is a much better solution if it sits well with you. Ever think about Modafinil? It's supposed to be good and not highly addictive like Desoxyn...

The fact they don't anticipate any of these bills passing is a sign we shouldn't help make them passable. We're better off with no changes, none of the proposed ones make things better, even the compromise versions.

Legalization will happen someday... it's going to start at the state level somewhere, and eventually the whole house of cards is going to fall apart and it'll be untenable at the federal level. Yeah, the UN requires prohibition, but since when has the US listened to the UN?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
There's a lot of conditions that can cause that... I have experienced that kind of fatigue myself... severe allergies (as in, off the charts at allergy testing, taking 5x the max dose of antihistamines and still sneezing) will make you feel that way. It's terrible shit... if you deal with that yourself I feel for ya. I'm glad to hear they offer real solutions to crippling fatigue, but obviously a sativa is a much better solution if it sits well with you. Ever think about Modafinil? It's supposed to be good and not highly addictive like Desoxyn...
Know what they wanted for Modafinil? I think that's the one he prescribed for me to try. It was $800 for a month supply, with only medicare.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
It is very rare for any bill to receive a 75% supermajority. The only reason they are willing to compromise is because they believe it increases the chances of it passing, meaning they don't anticipate them passing.
That is one theory....but it's like going all in on a bluff. It's going to work great...or you go home.