MMJ Concentrate Consultant

Hey guys and girls, just wanted to spread the word of a new business I am starting in the Valley! The purpose of my consultation is to correctly educate patients on the latest scientific concepts, and understanding of medical cannabis so that we may better benefit from its diverse medicinal properties.

Helping us to better understand medical cannabis are the advances in laboratory analysis (now available to collectives) combined with the ongoing research taking place around the world. Much of this research is aimed at delineating the therapeutic effects of the various chemical compounds in cannabis, especially the cannabinoids and terpenoids.

I will ensure you have a better understanding of medical cannabis in the awareness that the chemical compounds available in the plant change with how the plant is processed and administered. It is important to know that the various compounds in cannabis may modulate each other. Knowing that each strain of cannabis has potentially vastly different proportions of cannabinoids and terpenoids (often expressed in terms of color, smell and taste) means that one needs to be strain specific when discussing cannabis as medicine.

As new research in medical cannabis becomes available, my educational material will be revised to reflect the latest insights. In this way we hope that our understanding and use of medical cannabis will continue to grow in effectiveness in order to meet the needs and maximize the wellness of our members.

I will help patients keep track of what strains work best for them, educate them how to properly medicate using concentrates!

Thank you all for your time, if there is anything you guys think should be added please let me know!