Mitt Romney on medical Marijuana


It is weird that he is OK with synthetic marijuana, but against it in it's natural form. I also think he should have treated this medical marijuana patient better.



Well-Known Member
That is his opinion.... Wait.....! Do you think Obama thinks the same thing about medical marijuana?
Honestly...think about that for a bit. Before you answer.


Active Member
That is his opinion.... Wait.....! Do you think Obama thinks the same thing about medical marijuana?
Honestly...think about that for a bit. Before you answer.

I dont think he is allowed to have an official opinion...think about it. If he says "yay" he loses the next election as all republicans will use it against him as "drugs are evil". If he says "nay" he loses all the democrats/independents who voted him into office.


Active Member
In case you cant tell with both Bush and Obama, they dont matter and anything they say seems scripted. They are just the government's puppets (a retarded one and a spineless one, respectively) and anything they want to happen wont cause they are just the "Representation of Control"


Active Member
Romney is a coward and an idiot, so no it's not weird that he is for synthetic garbage, and against a natural plant.

Hopefully, any one of his 5 sons will be killed before they get into politics, as their father has taught them all pretty well, as how to be a scathing scumbag.
hmmm i wonder why he's in favor of synthetic marijuana...maybe because its way easier to regulate and monopolize compared to plant form. Mitt is big money and only cares about big money. I don't trust him.


Well-Known Member
My former govner and he was a Douche back then. Just the fact that he's a Mormon puts up a red flag for me. If he wins are we going to have to start hoarding supplies just like them Mormons do? or face an anti hoarding penalty if we ddon't?


might have to. the idiocracy of this issue is baffling. it takes 5 secs of unbiased thought to realize how positive this is.


Active Member
first thing that needs to be done is to quit putting marijuana in with other drugs,,,,marijuana is a weed ,,,,meth,,cocaine,,lsd,heroin,,etc are drugs (man made),,,marijuana is in it's natural state..all this can be argued forever,,,,but until we get rid of the corruption in washinton it will stay as it is...this isn't wether drugs are good or bad,,,our government could care less about that,,,,it's about money for them and the rest of rich asses,,,,,afterall your local bag boy is not bringing in 20 tons at a time..who does that leave besides our government,,not the street dealer,how about the people that can finance the cause with out worry. You ever notice how drug busts are made after drugs get here?? And not before??would you step on the toes of someone that has millions or billions invested in a drug shipment,,no,,,,blame it on the other guy. And law enforcement isn't going there.
MITT IS A ASSBAG. fuckin dumbass. what more can i say. Fuck these clowns we need to take our country state and citys back from all these empty promose ASSBAGS. Ron Paul rocks, its just too bad he is not a better messanger. BUT FUCK IT, Its time for all us weed smokin hop heads that got gray hair to stant up to all these gray haired ASSBAGS that have been runnin with the same script since 1971. COMMON SENSE IS GONA CHANGE THIS. Tax revenue is going to help! Prison population, and wasted man power ( police ) chasing down a fucking plant that is less harmless then fucking BEER. When was the last time you heard about a weed smoker batting around there wife or kids. YEA for you western washington people there was a incident involving that synthic CRAP you can buy across the counter, wher a kid shot a girl. Fucked up! MITT and all those clown just want to let big pharm make a buck. FUCK THEM! Fuck them just for what they have tried to do with the plant! Some of us do not want all there TOXIC SHIT running through our bodies. FUCK IT i got to go check my plants. Thanks for the rant time people. :leaf:


Active Member
i dont like romney sucks ass but better than santorum that fer wants to get rid of is up that shit!?
Too late to even get on Santorum, guy like that just need to mind their own business and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BEDROOM. PUSH YOUR MORAL CRAP SOMEWHERE ELSE. I am gona smoke, get naked and do some freaky shit to the old lady. BOOM there it is.